Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Petroleum Management Services For Drill Exploratory Wells...

On March 2008, BP submitted a request to The Mineral Management Service requesting to drill exploratory wells in the Mississippi Canyon Block 252 located in the Gulf of Mexico. By the following March, BP set forth plans to begin drilling the Macondo well, and was approved by the MMS on April 6, 2009. BP then leased a semisubmersible rig, named the Marianas, from Transocean and began drilling the well in earlier October of 2009. However, on November 9, 2009 the Marianas rig was damaged by Hurricane Ida and unfortunately had to be removed for repairs. Therefore, Marianas was replaced with the Deepwater Horizon rig in February 2010, to continue drilling exploratory wells. With the completion of the exploratory well, the Deepwater Horizon†¦show more content†¦BP’s officials inform the Schlumberger team that the cementing process went flawlessly. In the Deep Water report, â€Å"BP Wells Team Leader John Guide noted, â€Å"Everyone involved with the job on the rig site wa s completely satisfied with the job†Ã¢â‚¬  (National Commission, 4). With BP’s representatives heads held high on their supposed success of pouring the cement, they decide that they could omit the Schlumberger cement evaluation. In an effort to save time and money BP decided to fly the Schlumberger team back home via a helicopter later that same day. The rest of the afternoon would then be dedicated to positively and negatively-pressure testing the well for leaks. The Transocean crew began to perform the negative-pressure tests around 5 p.m., to test for leaks throughout the pipes. The negative-pressure test was performed to simulate the conductions the well would be faced with after the departure of the Deepwater Horizon. The crew begins by releasing the pressure in the well, and then they observe well to determine if the pressure changes inside the pipes indicating there are leaks. Unfortunately, the pressure in the well built back up, meaning there was a leak somew here. BP then chose to ignore this first sign of terror, one witness, reported he had seen this sort of thing happened before and he called it a â€Å"bladder effect† (National Commission, 6). BP deemed the

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