Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Development Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Question: Discuss about theLeadership Developmentfor Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Answer: Introduction Myers Briggs Type Indicator has been considered as one of the efficient techniques of analysing the efficiencies of a person, thereby stating its leadership qualities (Rashid and Duys 2015). It is designed on the basis of a questionnaire which thereby provides an overview result based on the answers. Four features of the person are highlighted, based on the generation of percentages, thereby analysing the dominant and recessive traits of the referred individual it is based on the typology test of Carl Jung and has been created by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs (Furnham and Crump 2015). Based on the four factors of sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking the personality traits of the person is highlighted. In the following essay, the test has been done, thereby analysing its results in details explained briefly. Analysis According to jug typology test framed under the theory of Myers Briggs Type Indicator, there are four factors in an individual. They are either: Extraverted or Introverted Sensing or Intuition Thinking or Feeling Judgement or Perception After assessing the test provided by the questionnaire being set under the Jung Typology Test, the results that had been analysed was ENTJ. This proves that the person is Extraverted (41%), Intuitive (44%), Thinking(9%) And Judging (22%) ( 2016). Under the aspect of ENTJ, it could be stated that the person has a general tendency to Marshall and direct. These kind of people require little encouragement, thereby analysing the current situation and analysing the actions successfully as a leader. ENTJs are bent on planning creative activities that provide a scope for the organization to implement better services of differentiated products (Dauphinais, Means and Price 2000). Being referred to as people with larger than life perspectives, the ability of the people would be of being a good salesmanship, storytelling or stand up comedian. Customer satisfaction is quite vital for such individuals hence, they can never let the customer to decline. ENTJs are considered as born natural leaders who are embodies with the gift of charisma and confidence. These people frame the crowd towards themselves, thereby attracting the people towards their actions (Tovey, Uren and Sheldon 2010). They imply a positive motivational aspect on the followers. ENTJ love to take part in challenges, where they can achieve their goal and execute a strategically framed long term plan, where they are able to meet all the challenges (Brock 2013). With their sheer will power, these people have the capability of overcoming all the challenges and hurdles that are faced both in the organization and in life. ENTJs appreciate those who have the ability to stand up to them intellectually. They value the company of those who is able to act with a precision and skill in recognizing the talents of others. ENTJs have the strength of acknowledging the talents of the people; hence it is quite a vital attribute for framing an efficient team in the organization (McShane and Von Glinow 2015). The emotional expression of these people is not that strong, as they are extraverted, hence, this creates a distance of these people socially. ENTJs crush the sensitivities of those who are inefficient, incompetent or lazy. This can be a problem for the ENTJs as this could lead in making enemies. ENTJs are considered as true powerhouses. they accept the concept of being larger than life. while executing their duties, the people belonging to this particular trait must always remember the dedication and hard work provided by his team as a whole. they must always keep in mind that the succss attained by the individual has been the result of the etam work. it is beneficial for the idniviudal to acknowledge the talents and needs of the team and praise their hard wor (Wilson and Phal 2005). If ENTJs are successful in including an emotional aspect along with their strengths and opportunities, they would be able to experience efficient victories and overcome the hurdles which exists in the surrounding (Jankowski 2016). Conclusion Myers Briggs Type Indicator being considered as one of the efficient techniques of analysing the efficiencies of a person, thereby stating its leadership qualities has been able to analyse the leadership traits of a human, thereby analysing its dominant characteristics, thereby analysing their leadership traits. It helps in portraying a clear view of the strengths and weaknesses of a person. The result analysed of an ENTJ is considered as the characteristic of those who are considered as born leaders. They are able to attract others towards themselves, by their motivational and strong personality. Along with the dominance of being an extravert, this personality type looses the emotional bond which people maintain with others. If they combine the emotional healthy focus alongside with their strengths, then these personality types would be rewarded with deep satisfying relationships and challenging victories. Reference Brock, C., 2013. 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