Friday, January 31, 2020

What does the nature of statebuilding in Bosnia tell about sovereignty Essay

What does the nature of statebuilding in Bosnia tell about sovereignty during its post war reconstruction - Essay Example Earlier in the process of state building, there was an understanding that non-western states were autonomous and independent entities, and did not require western interference. However, in the post-Cold war era, in cases of domestic conflict, the issues of development and security have broadened to such an extent that non-western states cannot prevent the interference of foreign bodies in their domestic processes (Chandler, 2006). Bosnia, after the end of the civil war, was a transition state, and hence fragile in nature. In such cases, while helping to rebuild a fragile nation, the response from the international communities is often based on the establishment of new political orders and a new constitutional mechanism. Not promoting notions of state fragmentation through secession, the global community looks to pacify all parties that were at strife during the civil war by advocating agreements that make sovereignty a shared right amongst the existing warring factions within the sta te. Those in the arena of international relations often term this form of state sovereignty as internal self-determination (Cassese, 1995). This comprises the rights of different nationalistic groups within the realms of a multi-ethnic state that aims at preserving all the existent socio-cultural, language and religious identities, equal participation of these groups in state politics, with even a certain extent of regional autonomy (Hannum, 1990). Thus, to bring in peace initiatives for helping states in transition, experts in the line of international relations bring forth the notions of ‘consociational democracy’ that advocate a moderate form of political attitude (Lijphardt, 1969, 207). In real practice, various instances have shown that post-conflict reconstruction cannot be based only on establishing a new constitutional mechanism. In a fragile state, when a new constitutional mechanism is place, there are chances that the newly formed social and cultural institut ions and political framework may fail to form a sustaining framework. According to a report by the World Bank, chances of a conflict breaking out again after the close of a civil war, in a fragile state, is nearly 40 % (Collier, 2000, 6). Even with extensive negotiations with various concerned parties, undertaken by any international peace mission to prevent a fragile state from regressing back into armed conflict, there are substantial barriers in establishing an effective sovereign state. In case of Bosnia, we find that even after 16 years of large-scale efforts from the global community to reconstruct Bosnia and bring in socio-political stability in the country, the state is yet to achieve an established form. In 2009, after 14 years since the Dayton treaty (1995) heralded the end of a near four yearlong violent ethnic civil war, Bosnians again faced a serious threat of another civil war (McMahon and Western, 2009). In this context, keeping Bosnia as a frame of reference, this pa per will explore concepts associated with modern notions of state building, whether international form of state building is actually a way of assuming control over state functioning, the differences between peace building and state building, and viable alternatives to the current form of international state building. Discussion Viewing state building as regards its effectiveness in case of post-war Bosnia The Dayton peace agreement signed in 1995 is often viewed as a treaty, which was â€Å"designed to end a war, not build a state† (Ashdown, 2004, 15). Various scholars contend that leaders of ethnic

Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Problem-Based Approach to Teaching about Pollution Essay example --

A Problem-Based Approach to Teaching about Pollution Science is a very important subject for students to study in middle school. It is â€Å"More than a body of knowledge or a set of answers, science is a way of thinking about the world† (Beamon 20). Science forces students to think critically about ethical issues, such as pollution. This is often difficult for students because they must make the jump from the narrow parameters of their own lives to the issues that affect many people living on this planet. In studying pollution, students must come to realize that even throwing garbage on the ground and not recycling will in some way affect many of the living things in the ecosystem. The feeling commonly described by students by the words â€Å"I hate science† is often the result of science frustrating them. One reason why students might feel this way is that there are two types of sciences. One is â€Å"school science†, which has in many cases become a listing of facts and definitions, and the other is â€Å"real science†, which is what scientists practice. Maybe the students spend too much time on â€Å"school science† and do not make the connection between what is learned in science class and the world around them. The teacher’s job is not only to make the science material manageable for the students to learn, but it is also to show the students how science applies to everyone and everything. Using the problem-based learning approach is a great way for a teacher to combine these two sciences (Uyeda et al. 24). It is the key that a teacher uses to open the door to the minds of students who need to know how what they are learning applies to the real world. Problem-based learning as an instructional model is associated with the new... ... Works Cited Beamon, Glenda W. â€Å"Guiding the Inquiry of Young Adolescent Minds.† Middle School Journal. 33.3 (Jan. 2002): 19-27. Goodnough, Karen Ph.D. â€Å"Preparing pre-service science teachers: Can problem-based learning help?† 22 April 2003. EBSCOHOST. The College of New Jersey Lib. 05 Feb. 2005. Kim, Younghoon, et al. â€Å"Science teachers’ perspectives of web-enhanced problem-based learning environment: A qualitative inquiry.† 23 April 2003. EBSCOHOST. The College of New Jersey Lib. 05 Feb. 2005. Problem-Based Learning. 04 March 2003. Center for Educational Technologies at Wheeling Jesuit University. 05 Feb. 2005. . Uyeda, Steve, et al. â€Å"Solving Authentic Science Problems: Problem based learning connects science to the world beyond school.† Science Teacher. 69.1 (Jan. 2002): 24-29.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Chick-Fil-A Firm

Intro:Chick-Fil-A runs a successful profitable firm that conducts business with honestly and integrity. The company make meaningful contributions to the communities it serves, and it help to create successful employees within the business. This company thinks about the potential impact it has on people around the world and continues to strive to be better. Leadership in the company and leadersHelp people see how what they do makes a difference for others, for the community and the world around us.When values succeed, the daily behaviors of the workers will embody the core value that is set forth.Having effective business communication is vital for the success of the company, it involves speaking skills and nonverbal communication. Team buildingEngaged employees are more productive, customer focused and creating a positive work environment.Driven by purpose can create positive value that will help a company to thrive, its needs to infuse its purpose. Creating a company that prioritizes employees and is thankful for customer loyalty. Productivity and quality improvement Human relations theories used at the businessDecision making that is good for the companySet standards and expectations for employees behaviors well market new customers and potential partnership with corporations. Chick-Fil-A Chick-Fil-A is a fast food restaurant that is based on deep Christian values and beliefs. Truett Cathy the creator of the company always put his religious beliefs at the forefront of all personal and business-related decisions. Chick-Fil-A's are closed on Sundays so that the staff of the company can attend church (Chick-Fil-A). Truett Cathy opened his own Diner at the age of 25. Truett and his brother Ben opened up the Dwarf Grill in Hapeville, a suburb of Atlanta Georgia, in 1946, after Truett Cathy was discharged from the U.S. Army. The two brothers wanted to build the fast food restaurant near a striving company, which was a Ford Auto plant. Hoping that hungry employees would come and buy, and it worked.Truett and Ben noticed when they were serving, customers were taking rolls and chicken, turning them into sandwiches. Witnessing these actions gave them and ideal for the concept of Chick-Fil-A. Tragedy stuck when Truett's brother Ben and another brother perished in a plane crash, but Truett continued to run the Dwarf House which before was the Dwarf Grill. The Dwarf Grill soon became a franchised throughout the Atlanta area (The balance small business). A Chick-Fil-A manager in Texas decided to post a list of banned words and phrases on Reddit. That list of words went viral. The franchise has not responded to that list of banned words yet. Eric the manager at the Texas Chick-Fil-A listed the unacceptable slang workplace phrase because he believes in the command: â€Å"You will speak properly when you walk through these doors† (Suhay). The list of words included: â€Å"cuz,† â€Å"Bae,† â€Å"Bruh,† and other urban terms. Also, on that list was the word â€Å"Ebola† because some of the employees have accused people in the establishment of having the deadly disease while working (Suhay). Gottsman suggest that, â€Å"Slang and business really do not go hand-in-hand† (Suhay). Gottsman, who coaches major corporations and university students made a rare appearance to help a group of teenagers learn proper businesses and interview protocols in preparation for college and scholarship interviews. (Suhay). Gottsman says,† It shouldn't matter that this is a fast food establishment. Employees should be ambassadors of the company they work for† (Suhay). Organization behaviors impacts the success of the company. A company that have motivated, engaged employees with clear goals that aligned with the company's strategy, creates a successful company. Organization behavior can help a company perform well (Managing People and Organizations 8). It is important when working in an establishment, speaking well and clearly to the customers possess as good communication skills. Communication allows us to form connection. Influence decisions and motivate change. Decisions that the leaders make tend to help mold the culture of the company. Making the wrong decisions can have a great impact on the business or organization. Leaders have a responsibility to make the right decisions for everyone involved. Truett created a successful business at Chick-Fil-A's because of a highly effective business model. He created something bigger than himself based on his leadership style. â€Å"They've experienced a more than 10% sales increase almost every year since launching in 1946. Franchisees retention rate has been 96% for nearly 50 years, while the corporate staff retention rate has hovered at 95-97% over the same time period† (Forbes Magazine). Letting your employees know that you are there for them is team building practice. Chick-Fil-A believes that all business leaders can introduce growth and development for their own companies. The company encourages its staff to develop different programs; plans and support them by providing budget necessary class, books, training and conferences to help with team building within the company. Chick-Fil-A is one of the largest privately-owned restaurant chains with 1,450 restaurants in 38 states, with its charitable sponsor of religious and community groups world wide (Vivian). Building trust, mitigating conflicts, encouraging the communities and increasing collaboration is what Chick-Fil-A does. Every single Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays; Truett Cathy says, â€Å"Our decision to close on Sundays was a way of honoring God and directing attention [on] things [that are more] important than [the] business† (Vivian). Spending time with family and having time to recover from a hard week of work; helps the moral of the employees to have a common goal, allowing bonding to happen more organically and far more effectively for the company. The successful chain has used it success to commit to education. Earning $25 million dollars in Leadership Scholarships, the company has allocated $1.4 million of that to be awarded to its team members of the fast food chain (Vivian). Team building expands not only to the employee but the customers too. Cow Appreciation Day is a day costumer get to dress up like a cow and receive a free chicken sandwich. The appreciation day is to show their thanks to the loyalty of the customer's. Because of the team building this company haves not only for their employees but for the customers; they have a large and growing base of Chick-Fil-A fans around the world (Vivian). Process gain plays an important role in team building it is part of the performance improvement. That is when people work together and not independent (Management People and Organization 268). Chick-Fil-A is always trying new things with their staff that can generate good vibes among the employees, which benefits the business. Team togetherness builds results for the business long term. Socializing and making friends in the workplace is a great way to increase productivity in the company. Its increases morale in the workplace and a better way of solving everyday workplace issues. When a business provides team building activities together, employees have a better understanding of others weakness, strengths and interest. This helps with better understanding to work together on future progress, which is vital to the company. Chick-Fil-A has build Social Facilitation, this happens when the employees and staff are motivated to look and feel good to others and maintain a positive image (Management People and Organization 269). Chick-Fil-A has established team efficacy, it shares beliefs that can be organized and execute the behaviors in it company (Management People and Organization 269). Improving productivity and quality improvement can be a difficult thing to do in a business. You can not always tell which solutions are right for the company. Trying solutions one at a time can be time consuming and expensive. The best approach is to take steps that are necessary to get your staff and employees on board. One approach Chick-Fil-A will plan to try and that is broaden their appeal to the Millennial market. The Millennials will broaden Chick-Fil-A's national and, ultimately, international growth plans (Horovitz). Chick-Fil-A also plans to replace all of it's current salads and replacing them with an entirely new salad, focusing on fresh ingredients (Horovitz). The company will introduce new wraps and post calorie counts on new menu boards (Horovitz). By the end of 2019, every customer will be served chicken without antibiotics. This fast food restaurant knows that it needs to be able to look at what is working well and where there is room for improvement (Chick-Fil-A). The workers of a business are the ones who are immersed in the production processes on a daily basis, so empowering them on developing ideals for improvement for the company, is always a great thing to do. Workers who feel empowered are more likely to demonstrate increased productivity. Chick-Fil-A has exceptional service, quick service, and cleanliness because of more attentive workers. Many of the franchisees offer training classes for their employees to earn certificates in managing food, labor cost managing conflicts in restaurants and other areas of expertise with in the company (Chick-Fil-A). This gives the employees more of an overall understanding of the business, therefore fostering a knowledgeable intent toward the customer's and the company's needs. With a strong culture and high emphasis on values, Chick-Fil-A has managed to provide a positive atmosphere in one of the most difficult industries. Chick-Fil-A's goal is to make sure everyone that walks through their restaurant doors, have a positive out come and great experience. For example, in Virginia, one of the franchise offers expired chicken nuggets to pet owners. The nuggets are still good, just past the hour freshness hold time. These little things exceed expectations and create repeat customers, these are the people who dress up like cows on Cow Appreciation Day. It is the job as a restaurant owner or manager to make sure that the staff will give the customers a good dinning experience. When you provide a better service than local competitors, the company stands out in the crowd. If you have ever notice the employees say, â€Å"my pleasure† instead of â€Å"you're welcome†, this is an element of class to their service (Chick-Fil-A). Every day, Chick-Fil-A has fresh flowers set out on each table inside of every restaurant they have. It is such simple things like that, that set this company apart from their competitors. Chick-Fil-A team members are great at remembering your orders and if you take a seat at any of their tables while you're waiting, they proactively bring your meal to you at your table. This gives the customer a sense of dedication of service, their needs are at the fore front of the company's purpose. In order for an organization to contribute positively to society, the company should be aware of the decision making it does. Last year they spent $30.8 million in advertising and promotion cost for hide-saving mission, to get people to eat more chicken (Morrison). Chick-Fil-A formats and provides a personal experience for their customers and their employees. Whenever the franchise opens a new restaurant, it reaches out to there fan base to invite them to a free pre-opening meal. The company also distributes coupons during the pre-opening. The company thinks through its experience customers and they add extra touches that exceed expectation, drive loyalty and inspire advocacy. By adopting this approach to customers service, the company will be able to maintain strong and sustainable relationships with corporate sponsors and customers. The interacting in a workplace is a major part of what makes a business work. Companies with engaging workplace and a well-trained staff are most likely to retain and attract qualified employees. When the business is focused on the employee's behaviors and motivation to get the job done, the business tends to work more efficiently. Without a firm workplace culture, challenges can arise leading to poor productivity. Woks CitedBruce, Horovitz, et al. â€Å"Chick-Fil-A Tosses Its Old Salad Menu.†Forbes, Forbes Magazine,, Ricky W., et al. Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. Cengage Learning, 2017.†Home of the Original Chicken Sandwich.† Chick-Fil-A,, MAUREEN. â€Å"Chick-Fil-A Finds Politics Can Be Bad for Its Business.† Advertising Age, vol. 83, no. 28, 2012.Suhay, Lisa. â€Å"Chick-Fil-A List of Banned Words: A Smart Move by Restaurant Manager?† Christian Science Monitor, 11/11/2014, P1, 2014.Vivian, Jordan. â€Å"Chick-Fil-A.† Human Events, vol. 65, no. 39, 2009.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Five Year Career Development Plan - 1630 Words

Bylli All’s Five Year Career Development Plan Bylli All Human Capital Management/HRM 531 Dr. Penny Wilkins November 26, 2012 Bylli All’s Five Year Career Development Plan Introduction As I am currently the president and CEO of J-R Equipment, my career is where I always thought it would be. I was chosen by my mother to head this 50 year-old family business. My sole endeavor is to have it continue for another 50 years. More specifically, over the next five years my goal and base objective will be to rebuild J-R Equipment Rental into an efficient, consistently profitable organization which many families are supported with its growth. Heinz Weihrich (2007) writes, â€Å"Career plans are built on uncertainty; the future cannot be†¦show more content†¦Our computer system was upgraded just last year so I would believe that this system could easily carry us through this plan with regular updates. There are add-ons to the system that could be better utilized. In addition, certain competencies are required to fulfill the position of president and CEO in an effective manner. Competence defined is a gathering of functionality, involving skills, knowledge, and personal attributes, which, combined, establish successful achievement of activity (AdomaitienÄâ€", ZubrickienÄâ€", 2010). Adomaitiene and Zubrickiene also write that competencies and job experiences become a condition of personal clarity. The following competencies are required to grow as a manager/owner and thus have the company grow as well. An effective CEO must have the ability to understand, empathize, and assist in each area or department within the company to recognize its connection to other departments. I. Every employee has a role to play in the efficient function of the company, the awareness of each person and their role is a key component in success. II. A working knowledge of the company’s front office or rental software and its capabilities are vital to daily operations. III. A working knowledge of the back office systems and their functionality will prove essential for financial recommendations. JobShow MoreRelatedFive-Year Career Development Plan1145 Words   |  5 PagesFive-Year Career Development Plan Introduction: Career development is a continuous process of handling proactively work and changes in life in order to move forward and reach the goals set for a better future. It involves learning new skills, moving up in the position within the organization or altogether moving to new organization or even starting up a new business. A career development plan is created to set goals and how to reach these goals using your talents and skills in the working worldRead MoreFive Year Career Development Plan1049 Words   |  5 PagesRalph E. 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