Monday, December 30, 2019

7 Surprising Facts About Homeschooling

If youre new to the idea of homeschooling, you may think its just like traditional school, but without the classroom.  In some  ways, youd be right -  but there are many important differences. And those differences make homeschooling the best choice for many families.   Whether youre a new  homeschooler  or are just curious about how it works, here are seven facts about homeschooling that may surprise you. 1. Homeschoolers Dont Have to Do the Same Work as Kids in School In some states, public school students have the option to  do their work at home online. Because theyre still enrolled in the public school system, those students follow the same curriculum as kids in school. But in general, homeschoolers also have the option to create their own curriculum -  or not use a curriculum at all. Often they choose lots of hands-on activities and ​learning resources other than textbooks. So instead of trying to keep up with what students in their grade are doing, homeschooling students can study Ancient Greece while their peers study the Civil War. They can  explore states of matter with dry ice  or go  in-depth on evolution  while kids their age are memorizing the parts of a flower. The freedom to follow childrens interests is one of the aspects of homeschooling many families like best. 2. Homeschooling Parents Stay up to Date on How Children Learn and Grow To keep their teaching license current, classroom teachers may be required to attend professional development workshops. At these workshops, they study the latest information and strategies about how children learn. But research on education topics like learning styles, brain development, and the links between physical activity and memory can be found in books, magazines and websites available to the public as well. Thats why even homeschooling parents who dont have teaching degrees are familiar with the latest information on how to be a better teacher. Whats more, experienced homeschoolers -  including those with a professional background in education or child development - are very willing to offer support to other homeschoolers, whether online or at  parent meetings. So the knowledge base within the homeschool community is vast and easily accessible. 3. Its Not Unusual for Classroom Teachers to Homeschool Their Own Children Nobody knows how schools really operate better than classroom teachers. So its not surprising that  many licensed, trained, experienced public school educators decide to homeschool their  kids. As they will tell you, homeschooling lets them use their skills and experience without a lot of  red tape. At home, dedicated professional teachers can create the kind of  learning environment every child should have. 4. Were Still Waiting for a Good Study of Homeschooling You may have  read articles that claim homeschoolers do better than average on standardized tests, come from wealthier families, and homeschool mainly because of religious beliefs. None of the conventional wisdom about homeschooling is backed by rigorous scientific research, however. Most of the statistics you read were collected by groups with a vested interest in proving  that either homeschooling is a cure-all for American education or the end of civilization as we know it. The true answer is more complicated and yet to be reliably studied. 5. Lots of Homeschooling Parents Are Also Working Parents Along with the idea that homeschooling families are wealthier than average is the notion that teaching your own children means one parent must be home full time  and not working. This is not true. Homeschoolers come up with many creative ways to balance work and homeschooling. 6. Homeschoolers Dont Need a High School Diploma to Get into College Colleges have come to recognize that homeschool students are as well prepared as traditionally-schooled students for college life. Thats why they often have a special application process for  college-bound homeschoolers  that takes into account their varied backgrounds. Some homeschoolers also get around requirements for standardized tests like the SAT by taking enough community college classes while in high school to apply as transfer students. 7. Homeschoolers Can Get Many of the Same Educator Discounts as Classroom Teachers Classroom teachers know that national chains and local stores that carry school supplies, art materials, books, and teaching aids often offer educator discounts. In many cases, homeschooling parents can get these discounts too. Stores that have offered discounts include Barnes Noble and Staples. Special educator discounts extend to field trips as well. Museums, summer camps, amusement parks and other educational and recreation venues have learned that offering special events and programs for homeschoolers can boost business during slow periods. For instance, Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts, the Colonial-era living museum, has run popular Home School Days for several years. Some national companies also include homeschoolers in competitions and incentive programs aimed at school kids. For example, homeschoolers can earn rewards for reading from the Six Flags chain of amusement parks and Pizza Hut restaurants. Policies change, so its always a good idea to ask. You may also want to be prepared to show proof that you homeschool, such as  a letter from the school district or your  homeschool group membership card.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Cyber Attacks The Threat Of Cyberterrorism - 2809 Words

Hacking to Peace: The Threat of Cyberterrorism Computer systems have become essential to the way of life that exists in the United States and other Western nations. However, America’s dependency on computers results in the nation being vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This paper will discuss cyber threats to American security as they pertain to the nation’s government, military, businesses, and infrastructure. Such threats include possible acts of cyber terrorism, as well as espionage and information theft. It will be seen that cyber-attacks could result in physical as well as economic damage to the nation. It will be argued that the threat of cyber-attack is real and that it needs to be taken seriously. Since the techniques of those involved†¦show more content†¦Such entities can steal critical information, disrupt vital services, and cause economic or even physical damage. The risk is related to the fact that American society has become increasingly dependent on computer networks. According to Cetron, et al., computer networks enrich life and increase efficiency in all kinds of important operations. However, dependency on networked systems results in America being vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In the words of Cetron, et al., â€Å"disrupt essential information or communications systems, and a company, government agency, or military unit could be dead in the water, or at least cut off from oversight and coordination with its partners† (46). Because of interconnections between systems, a single cyber-attack could cause widespread damage. Cyber-attacks are appealing to terrorists and other wrongdoers because it is relatively cheap, quick and easy to launch such an attack in comparison to launching a traditional military assault (Clark Levin). Also, cyber-attacks are attractive because they can be carried out anonymously. Because of this, it is poss ible for a terrorist group to initiate a devastating attack â€Å"without ever being identified or facing retribution† (Cetron, et al. 47). Experts are worried about the risk of cyber-attacks against the nation’s military and government systems. In addition, they are worried about possible attacks on the nation’s infrastructure. As noted by

Friday, December 13, 2019

Beauty and the Beast Free Essays

We have discussed before a question whether art necessarily has to improve us morally and concluded that not all art has moral impact, or is morally relevant. But think about the following questions, please explain each in detail: 1) Is a work with a moral message a better work because of this, than the work without any moral relevance? I believe that on general terms a work is better with a moral message than without one, meaning that its having a moral message is not the only measure of a work of art but that it is better because it reflects a consciousness, a responsibility on the part of the artist, of trying to make a statement, of sharing his stand to all the eyes that will look at the art work. An artist will eventually die, a work of art has more chances of surviving through the years, and it will be his testament. We will write a custom essay sample on Beauty and the Beast or any similar topic only for you Order Now If it will survive then it would be better if it can show the coming generations a grain of truth on the human condition. 2) Could an immoral work be praised as artistically successful? Personally I do not believe that an immoral work could be praised as artistically successful. Should art have no meaning but simply satisfy aesthetic taste? Could we look past the effect of a work of art and just choose to look at aspects of it and not its wholeness including the statement it makes? An immoral work goes against the goodness that we recognize as beautiful – and in this it seems that human nature is innately good, as we associate what is good with what is beautiful. It is only when we disassociate with what our emotions and our instinct tells us that we take a calculating look and examine a work based on rigid standards. 3) Are goodness and beauty in any way related in real life? I believe that in goodness we see beauty, but not all things beautiful truly have goodness. We know of beautiful faces but have evil hearts, but we also know of good hearts but may not come in what society brands as beautiful. However, when there is goodness in heart and spirit, we feel safe and good about ourselves and others as well, and we see the beauty in things. After all, all things have beauty and goodness in the – as long as we look for it – and what is good is the beautiful in them. How to cite Beauty and the Beast, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Guidelines Environment And Engineering †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Guidelines Environment And Engineering? Answer: Introducation A number of search strategies have been employed in order to conduct the literature review. The employment of a proper search strategy helps in including the required set of articles within the inclusion criteria. Additionally, key words versus index terms have been applied to narrow down the search to the authentic articles. The key words could be used to find out the journal titles, author name, article title and abstract. In this respect, a number of databases could be used to find out the relevant journals or articles. Some of the databases which could be used over here for searching articles include-MEDLINE, CINNAHL. Apart from these EMBASE, COCHRANE library were also used as some of the other databases sources. Moreover, Boolean operators could be used for undertaking the search such as OR and AND. Here, OR could be used for broadening the search by use of synonyms, where articles dealing with more or less similar concepts are generated at a time. The OR operator would retriev e articles containing each term separately or both the terms together (Popescu, 2015). The AND operator is used to narrow down the search by retrieving articles containing both the terms. Inclusion/exclusion criteria It is necessary to design a proper inclusion and exclusion criteria for the purpose of narrowing down the search to the right articles. The inclusion or exclusion criteria act as filters which helps in eliminating the unnecessary search results generated. Some of the parameters based upon which the search in conducted comprises of the inclusion criteria. The factors include the date of the published articles, participants experiencing deterioration in health condition reported recently along with language specific to a geographic location, act as filters which have been applied in the search strategy. The age group of the participants may also serve as an important parameter for narrowing down to specific searches. For the present case study only articles published within the last 10 years have been considered the rest has been excluded. The articles published in English only have been taken into consideration. Additionally, the peer reviewed journals only had been considered along with grey literature such as technical reports and web based guidelines. For the present report inconsistent and self reported objectives had been excluded. The study designs where participants were interviewed at least once in a point of time were considered. The participants belonging to the old age group had been excluded or the ones experiencing end of life care or palliative treatment. Therefore, narrowing down the search strategies help in arriving at a suitable solution regrading the problem statement. Evidence supporting the topic For the current study diabetes management had been chosen and selected within the Australian scenario. In this respect, type 2 diabetes had been taken into considerations which have been found to have a major dominance worldwide. As reported by WHO (2013), there has been 1.5 million deaths due to type 2 diabetes in 2012 alone. Type 2 diabetes has been seen to take the form of pandemic within the Australian context and has been found to be present more frequently with an increasing age (Dreyhaupt et al. 2012). However as argued by McPhail-Bell et al. (2016), most of the ties the occurrence of the disease goes unreported owing to the lack of awareness. This calls for undertaking programs supporting diabetes awareness and promotion of community health. Here the 4Es had been implemented for the purpose of providing sufficient health education and control measures for the prevention of diabetes (Cook et al. 2011). In the present context, systematic approaches have been undertaken for the evaluation of the peer reviewed journals. Item Components and examples Title A systematic review of real-world diabetes prevention programs Abstract The systematic review focuses on identifying critical success factors for implementation of diabetes control program within the real world settings Rationale There is a huge gap in the number of people availing the diabetes management program due to the lack of knowledge regarding the same and dearth of comprehensive prevention strategies Objectives To control the adverse health implications of type 2 diabetes within the target population segment with effective self managerial techniques To spread literacy regarding the development and prognosis of type 2 diabetes within the current population Methods A systematic review of measures aimed towards diabetes management was undertaken using the 4Es model. Eligibility criteria Study of specific characteristics and report characteristics using language, years considered for finding out the relevant journals and status of publication were used as eligibility criteria. Information sources Databases such as MEDLINE, CINAHL, along with peer reviewed journals have been used as information sources Data collection process Conducting of cohort studies with regular reporting of data along with health survey analysis have been used for the data collection process. Risk of bias Publication bias along with selective reporting within studies can increase the chances of loopholes. Outcomes to be predicted The effect of the intervention methods in controlling the growing incidence of diabetes within the present population segment and positive impacts brought about by the same over health advancement strategies. Synthesis of results A systematic review have been conducted for arriving at the suitable result Limitations Reporting biases along with incomplete reporting are some of the limitations Summary of evidence/Conclusion Therefore, implementation of program that has more number of participants can help in spreading the agenda of diabetes management wide and further. Additionally implementation of the 4Es program can further take the program any steps ahead. Table 1: Checklist for systematic review of diabetes prevention programs (Source: Hunt, 2015) Conclusion The current assignment emphasises upon the health promotion and advancement strategies through implementation of educational programs along with enforcement of policy guidelines. For the purpose of which an extensive study has been conducted where sufficient and relevant data has been collected from different data sources such as CINNAHL, MEDLINE, COCHRANE and EMBASE among the few. The data collected had been further evaluated through systematic review for its relevance in the context of diabetes management and control. The systematic review had been used to design a number of research objectives. It is also includes engineering suitable technologies and intermediaries for dealing with the situation. For the current assignment type 2 diabetes management within the Australian community had been taken into consideration. Thus implementing the diabetes awareness and management 4E programs within workplaces can help in the promotion of the health literacy strategies along with establishi ng the parameters of community welfare programs (Aziz et al. 2015). Therefore the goal is to develop a proactive environment where sufficient care and acknowledgment is provided to the ones suffering from diabetes (Pealvo et al. 2013). As mentioned by Srensen et al. (2015) inculcation of technological interventions such as web based learning along with internet diabetes interventions can help in controlling the rates of type 2 diabetes within the concerned population. In this respect, the patient may have difficulty in attending the diabetes management classes. As mentioned by Zaidan et al. (2015) provision of mobile based health services through virtual interfaces could be used as effective health control measures. However as argued by Penman-Aguilar et al.(2016) there are a number of challenges faced in the present context. Some of the difficulties arise due to the gap within the reporting parameters which may be attributed to lack of sufficient resources or incomplete information being gathered (Jones Barry, 2011). Study objectives arising from the evidence In the present context, a systematic review has been conducted of the literature sources focusing upon type 2 diabetes management within the Australian context. For the current study the 4Es of health promotion had been taken into consideration for dealing with the health deterioration and promoting health with reference to the current pandemic. Therefore a systematic review had been conducted for evaluating the different parameters of the research design. Further research objectives have been framed which would be utilised further for the conduct of the study and recording of the needful data. Thus a number of research objectives have been framed over here To control the adverse impact on health of type 2 diabetes within the target population group through implementation of self managerial techniques To spread literacy regarding the development and prognosis of type 2 diabetes within the target population group References Aziz, Z., Absetz, P., Oldroyd, J., Pronk, N. P., Oldenburg, B. (2015). A systematic review of real-world diabetes prevention programs: learnings from the last 15 years. Implementation Science?: IS, 10, 172. Burton, D. L., Levin, B. L., Massey, T., Baldwin, J., Williamson, H. (2016). Innovative Graduate Research Education for Advancement of Implementation Science in Adolescent Behavioral Health.The journal of behavioral health services research,43(2), 172-186. Cook, K. E. (2011). Reliability assessments in qualitative health promotion research.Health promotion international,27(1), 90-101. Dreyhaupt, J., Koch, B., Wirt, T., Schreiber, A., Brandstetter, S., Kesztys, D., ... Hundsdrfer, V. (2012). Evaluation of a health promotion program in children: Study protocol and design of the cluster-randomized Baden-Wuerttemberg primary school study [DRKS-ID: DRKS00000494].BMC Public Health,12(1), 157. Haluza, D. and Jungwirth, D., 2015. ICT and the future of health care: Aspects of health promotion.International Journal of Medical Informatics,84(1), pp.48-57. Hunt, C. W. (2015). Technology and diabetes self-management: An integrative review.World Journal of Diabetes,6(2), 225233. Jones, J., Barry, M. M. (2011). Developing a scale to measure synergy in health promotion partnerships.Global Health Promotion,18(2), 36-44. Lazaroiu, G. (2015). Health reporting in the mainstream media.American Journal of Medical Research,2(2), 124-124. Macridis, S., Bengoechea, E. G., McComber, A. M., Jacobs, J., Macaulay, A. C. (2016). Active transportation to support diabetes prevention: Expanding school health promotion programming in an Indigenous community.Evaluation and program planning,56, 99-108. McPhail-Bell, K., Bond, C., Brough, M. and Fredericks, B., 2016. We dont tell people what to do: ethical practice and Indigenous health promotion.Health Promotion Journal of Australia,26(3), pp.195-199. Pealvo, J. L., Santos-Beneit, G., Sotos-Prieto, M., Martnez, R., Rodrguez, C., Franco, M., ... Fuster, V. (2013). A cluster randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of a school-based behavioral intervention for health promotion among children aged 3 to 5.BMC Public Health,13(1), 656. Penman-Aguilar, A., Talih, M., Huang, D., Moonesinghe, R., Bouye, K., Beckles, G. (2016). Measurement of health disparities, health inequities, and social determinants of health to support the advancement of health equity.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice,22, S33-S42. Popescu, G. H. (2015). Sustainability, public health, and quality of care.American Journal of Medical Research,2(2), 211-211. Srensen, M., Korsmo-Haugen, H. K., Maggini, M., Kuske, S., Icks, A., Rothe, U., ... Zaletel, J. (2015). Health promotion interventions in type 2 diabetes.Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanit,51(3), 192-198. Taggart, L., Cousins, W. (2014).Health promotion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Turinawe, E. B., Rwemisisi, J. T., Musinguzi, L. K., de Groot, M., Muhangi, D., de Vries, D. H., ... Pool, R. (2015). Selection and performance of village health teams (VHTs) in Uganda: lessons from the natural helper model of health promotion.Human resources for health,13(1), 73. Zaidan, A. A., Zaidan, B. B., Kadhem, Z., Larbani, M., Lakulu, M. B., Hashim, M. (2015). Challenges, alternatives, and paths to sustainability: Better public health promotion using social networking pages as key tools.Journal of medical systems,39(2), 7.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Argument Paragragh for Lamb to the Slaughter Essay Example

Argument Paragragh for Lamb to the Slaughter Paper Mary Maloney, in the short story â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter† is not guilty by the reason of insanity. This is when the crime is committed but the person who committed it couldn’t tell if it was wrong or right. During the murder, Mary doesn’t know what she is doing. â€Å"Her first instinct was not to believe any of it, to reject it all When she walked across the room she couldn’t feel anything at all–except a slight nausea and a desire to vomit. Everything was automatic now. In this quote, Mary is unstable. She doesn’t know what she is doing. After Patrick tells Mary he is leaving her, she goes into shock. She tries to be a good wife but she is breakable. During the murder and right after, Mary is only temporarily insane. She is going to make dinner when Patrick says, â€Å"‘For god’s sake. Don’t make supper for me. I am going out! ’ at that point Mary simply walked up behind him without any pause and swung the b ig frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down on the back of his head The violence of the crash, the noise, the small table overturning, helped bring her out of shock. † In this quote, Mary is at her breaking point. After Patrick says he doesn’t want her to make dinner. Mary goes into shock and, came behind him and swung the frozen led of lamb. She couldn’t tell if it was wrong or right, she just did it. After the crash of the small table, it brought Mary out of shock. Therefore Mary Maloney in the short story â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter† is not guilty because she is temporally insane at the scene of the crime so is not guilty for reason of insanity. We will write a custom essay sample on Argument Paragragh for Lamb to the Slaughter specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Argument Paragragh for Lamb to the Slaughter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Argument Paragragh for Lamb to the Slaughter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Monday, November 25, 2019

Lodging Tax essays

Lodging Tax essays Lodging tax would help sell Oregon to world Oregons tourism commission has established a plan to get the industry to reach new levels of success by trying to pass the first statewide tax. House Bill 2267 will allow a one percent tax on all lodging in Oregon, thus bringing in over $7 million dollars, doubling the budget the tourism commission has to work with. The industry wants to spend millions on advertising Oregons many beauties. This tax would start to move Oregons economy back in the right direction, more job availability, and bring in a much-needed income through tourists. It would hopefully get a better reputation for a place to do business. But the industry does not have the means to extend a welcoming to those people. Tourism is one of three main components Governor Ted Kolongoskis economic plan consists of along with legislative leaders who have included it as one of their top priorities. Most local government supporters say that House Bill 2267 has one major mistake. It would prohibit cities and counties from adopting or even increasing their own lodging taxes unless the money is directly used to promote tourism. This money is crucial to help pay for all sorts of things such as maintaining parks and other facilities that see more people when tourism is at a high. Only 80 cities out of the 238 in Oregon have already adopted lodging tax, so the other cities would miss out on this if the bill passed. Motel and hotel owners fear the tax will decrease their revenue because they will have to increase room rates. The lodging tax was supposed to help with promoting Oregon but when cities have a budget crunch those funds are the first ones to get tapped into. The budget of 2001-2003 for the tourism industry ranks 46th among states, with $6 million dollars, mostly financed by Oregon lottery. $1.7 million of that is used for advertising, which consists of a dozen adds in U....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health in later life(health promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Health in later life(health promotion - Essay Example Despite knowing how to prevent diseases and promote well-being, the difficulty of health promotion really lies on transferring it in a manner that can be readily used by its target population (World Health Organization, 1986). After identifying the physical, psychological, financial and social changes associated with aging, this study focuses on discussing health promotion’s importance, methods and issues, in terms of it being directed to the elderly population. It should be noted that with the advancements in medicine, life expectancy has been continuously increasing dramatically (Schoeni, Freedman and Wallace, 2005). Statistics show that certain diseases, such as cancer and heart diseases, are more prevalent among the elderly. Physiologic aging causes changes in taste sensation, bone and muscular weakness, resulting in a loss of appetite, poor nutrition and decrease in mobility (Saxon, Etten and Perkins, 2009). In fact, muscle strength decreases by 15% per decade for those older than 50 and by 30% for those aged 70 and above, primarily due to sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass, which is common among women than men (Nied and Franklin, 2002). Limitations in activities of daily living had been found to decrease life expectancy by almost three years (Lubitz, et al., 2003). Malnutrition contributes to weaker immune system, making them more at risk of acquiring infections such as high-risk community acquired pneumonia (Saxon, Etten and Perkins, 2009). Financial status is also an issue for the elderly, because they are usually retired or unemployed, limiting their resources (Naduva, 2007). In addition, those with difficulties in activities of daily living have an expected cumulative expenditure greater by almost $10, 000 than those without functional disability. Those who were admitted in institutions also spend considerably greater than those

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Atokowa Organization Report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Atokowa Organization Report - Case Study Example This followed the application of soft system model (SSM) to analyze current issues affecting Atokowa. The same was accomplished through CATWOE analysis. The study further discussed on appropriate recommendations for systems and operations managements whereby possible quality improvement strategies were provided. The TQM was identified as the best system which can improve overall quality performance of the organization. The investigation further covered on the relevant people and management issues which may come up during the implementation of new quality system in the organization. By doing so, possible ways of managing these issues were provided to support the implementation process. The study was summarized through provision of concrete conclusion which summarized the case analysis. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 1.0 Introduction 3 1.1. About Atokowa Advantage 4 2.0 Analysis of Systems and Operations Management of Atokowa Organization 6 2.1. Input Output Model 6 2.2. The use of business process mapping model on Atakowa’s case 8 2.2.1. Use of process mapping model to analyze Atokowa’s case 9 2.3. Decision Making Hierarchy 10 2.3.1. Three levels of decision making 10 2.4. System levels 11 2.4.1. The role of systems to support business processes 12 2.5. Applying Pareto Analysis 12 2.6. Application of soft system methodology 13 2.6.1. CATWOE analysis 13 2.6.2. Current issues in Atokowa 14 3.0. Systems and Operations Management Recommendations 15 3.1. How the organization can improve quality management 15 3.2. Improving the quality management skills of our employees 16 3.2.1 Other important recommendations 16 3.3. The people and management issues which may arise during the implementation of business improvements and quality managements in Atokowa organization 17 3.3.1. How these issues should be managed 17 4.0. Conclusion 18 5.0. References 19 1.0 Introduction According to research, operation management is defined as activities surrounding the management of resources in an organization. Resources in a manufacturing environment are devoted in ensuring efficient production and delivery of goods and services to the market. Information systems on the other hands refers to a layout of interrelated components which are responsible for retrieval, processing, storage and distribution of information which are vital for decision making and control of activities in an organization (Ram, 2005). This study will focus on Atokowa advantage by looking at systems and operation management practices are handled in the organization. The question which should be asked is what are the systems and operations management practices in the company? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these systems and operations practices? And what are the possible recommendations which should be implemented to improve on the systems and operations management practices? Based on this brief introduction, the report will analyze these system and practices by us e of appropriate models so that critical analysis can be provided to give insight on the way systems and operations activities are managed in Atokowa. By applying these models, the main business requirements will be examined thus understanding the way the company operates. The report will explain the possible quality management improvements strategy which may be implemented in the company. It will conclude by providing

Monday, November 18, 2019

Research Proposal Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Research Proposal - Dissertation Example As a consequence, the globalisation commitment entered into by countries in multilateral agreements was met with slow progress and considerable suspicion by political and civic groups. Businessmen were quick to see the advantages, however, of gaining access to new markets opening up across borders. In deciding upon entering a foreign market, a firm takes on considerable risks, but foresees that there is an opportunity to earn considerable returns as well. It will therefore base its decision on whether or not there is a favourable trade-off between risks and returns – that is, whether the chances of earning returns significantly higher than it would in the local market would exceed the risks that it may be facing. This is the crux of the normative decision theory. On the other hand, behavioural theory suggests that a firm may also consider entry into foreign markets depending on the trade-off between the relative availability of resources in the targeted site compared with the home site, as against the degree of control that may be exercised, which is seen to diminish the more distant the host site (Agarwal & Ramaswami, 1992). In the course of this study, the purpose is to gain possible insight into the evolving dynamics involving the entry of UK firms into foreign markets, particularly (though not exclusively) emerging markets. It expects to develop new insights into stakeholders’ perceptions about those considerations that would tend to favour one mode of expansion of foreign direct investment over another, the implications on control and risk, and the nature of the target market in relation to the home economy. 2. Objectives This dissertation aims to accomplish the following objectives† 2.1 To determine the impact of firm-specific factors on the choice of entry mode into a foreign market; 2.2 To determine the impact of host country factors on the choice of entry mode into a foreign market; 2.3 To determine the impact of home country factor s on the choice of entry mode into a foreign market. 2.4 To determine whether or not the location of the firm within an industrial district has any bearing upon the choice of entry mode. 3. Research questions In order to accomplish the objectives set forth in the preceding section, the dissertation shall seek to provide answers to the following research questions: 3.1 What are the effects of the following firm-specific factors on the choice of entry mode of a UK firm into a foreign market, namely: 3.1.1 Firm size; 3.1.2 International business experience; 3.1.3 Organizational culture? 3.2 What are the effects of the following host country factors on the choice of entry mode of a UK firm into a foreign market, namely: 3.2.1 Cultural distance; 3.2.2 Country risk; 3.2.3 Market attractiveness? 4. Critical Review of Literature 4.1 International marketing strategy The various modes of entry into a market include exporting, joint venture, sole venture, licensing and franchising, and more co nventionally, the internet and international agencies (Wind, Douglas & Perlmutter, 1973; Hisrich, 2009; Pride &Ferrell, 2010). It is generally acknowledged in studies on entry modes that these modes vary more prominently with respect to level of control exercised by the firm over its offshore subsidiary, either whole or

Friday, November 15, 2019

Strategic Objectives Of Operations Management Within Organization Commerce Essay

Strategic Objectives Of Operations Management Within Organization Commerce Essay Operations management is the area of business; it deals with the production and services. It involves the responsibility of the business operations are efficient with the help of using small resources as needed. It is the process that converts inputs into outputs in the form of product and services. Operation management is the heart of the organization by controlling the operations of the system. It deals with the operation, design and improvement the quality of systems product and services. Operations management, marketing and finance are the functional field of the business with management responsibilities. The importance of operations management in every business organizations activity attached and it plays important role to ensure that organization achieve their objectives and goals or not. Honda Motors is an automobile company which produces bikes and cars. To managing every business activity it requires necessary operations management techniques. To ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the organization Honda Motors uses operations management. How to well resources like human expertise, machines efficiency and materials are use to improve organizations performance. The company is having primary objective of to earn maximum profit. The company reduces cost of the production using multiple new technologies. The company must have objective to increase productivity by using minimum resources. Honda Motors have effectiveness and efficiency because they fully utilised worker productivity, proper utilization of resources, and management techniques. Honda Motors use operations management for proper utilization of its products and services management. Wide range of management activities is having product or service management, new ideas for the product to provide support to customers who purchased the new Honda product. Product management conducts by every organization whether it is done intentionally or unintentionally. Honda Motors uses it expert skill for to improving production techniques, quality improvement, marketing through advertise and magazines to introduce new products in the market place. Strategic objectives of Honda Motors Fig: Strategic Management Strategic management is nothing but of the art of implementing and evaluating well decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objective. Setting organizations objective is one of the most important and challenging task. The success and failure of the organization depends upon the setting of the strategic objectives. Strategic objectives are set for longer period. In Honda Motors strategic objectives set for three to five years. Honda Motors understand their internal capabilities as well as environment .Strategic objectives plan gives guidelines and directions to Honda Motors for where to start and where the organization is going. Another objective is to motivate the managers and team members for giving reward when they are taking initiative for to progress of the organization. The objective setting helps to evaluate the success of Honda Motors in the strategic planning. Tool for analysis of the strategic objectives SWOT Analysis SWOT tool is widely used in organization for strategic planning, SWOT analysis is basic guide for strategic planning. If management is provide proper information about objective then this tool very useful for the company. SWOT analysis finds capabilities and its internal position by identifying the companys strengths and weaknesses. Once the organization identified its strengths and weaknesses then it should determine the importance of each factor. Management team must make analysis of all strength and weaknesses and find the level of these strength and weaknesses. The importance of these strengths and weaknesses should be identified. SWOT Analysis of Honda Motors Strengths High RD Innovation Market share leadership in smart segment Strong brand equity Unique products Production system that is refined over the years Weaknesses High cost structure compared to China   Company depends on profits coming from throughout the world, thus subject to global economies performance. Opportunities Now a day, Customers continuously increased interest into less fuel consuming and minimum pollution cars, Honda Motors having powerful RD to develop these types of cars for taking more and more benefit of the market. Customers required quality product with paying minimum cost. Honda motors taking this advantage having his product minimum cost and best quality as compare to other products. Threats Economic slowdown due the financial crisis in 2008 External changes (government, politics, taxes, etc.) Lower cost competitors or imports from Performance operations, objectives of the company An organization success is depends on three major factors that is product quality, cost, and speed. In todays market trend every customer focuses on these three things of the product. If any companies product quality is good, and cost is also minimum with having good comfort as compare to other products then your products demand increase in market place. This will helps to organization for long term sale of the particular product. For maintaining all these things, companys operation management must be good. Organization must be achieving objectives with help of strategic planning. Honda Motors having good operations management, to achieve objective of the organization. Strategic objective planning helps to achieve organization objectives. To maintain good product quality Honda motors uses operations management. With the help of operations management organization finds his dependability of the production, and it also helps to organization how to fulfil the dependability of the organiz ation. Honda Motors have flexible and powerful operations management for making quality products. Honda Motors every year make survey of the market for the understanding current market needs. After the analysis of the survey Honda Motors decides his strategic objectives and these objectives organization achieve by using good operations methodology. In todays market place Honda Motors having powerful brand because of company produce quality product and sale the product with minimum price as per the market needs. Company launch his product in a market with having good quality, comfort, and minimum price as compare to competitors products. Flexibility is most important part of the organization, organization must make changes into the product as per the market requirement and this is achieved by good operations management of the company. Flexibility is very helpful for companys success. With the help of operations management organization achieve strategic objectives. If company having p owerful operations management in a company, it will automatically achieve organizational strategic objectives. Honda Motors always take this advantage and achieve his strategic objectives. [1][2] Systems to ensure quality of product and services Business Process Management In the competitive world every organization creates different products from the competitors for to secure business in the market place. Quality management is the need for todays business environment. In these days consumer can choose variety of similar products, but consumer select which are different from others. If customer not satisfied with this product performance they switch to this brand. Thus the organization must focus on customers needs and wants and differentiation of the quality from the other number of competitors. Customer satisfaction is most important for build up brand loyalty and this helps for long term sales. To complete specific business outcome business process used set of easy or difficult business oriented tasks. A business process typically starts with a specific need and end with outputs in the form of product and services. Many business processes are sometimes developed by accident, in these processes no real thought in how those processes were developed. In some instances many processes developed in case of changes in technology, environment, policy, and market trends. Whether the processes developed by intentionally or by accidently almost every process need to improvement of the quality of the product or services. For improving these processes organization must make a strategic decision or planning when they will not improve or change. Business process improvement is a systematic strategic approach to improving organizations business processes and product quality and services. Many times these processes required inputs from internal departments in the organization or outside the organization like inputs from customers or suppliers. Organization must get the customers current requirement about quality, cost and comfort about product and service. Identify new processes or alternative process to make desired output faster, less costly, improve quality of the product. Business process Management tools In the market there are many business process management software solutions are available. Following some of the business process management applications are as follows: Pegasis system Savvion Lombardi Oracle IBM Appian Software AG To finding the solution buyers should perform an extensive search that meets the organizations long term needs and long term direction for the company there are many more systems are commonly used.BMP solutions having few existing standards. Some of the standards used are Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), XML process definition language (XPDL). With the help of business process management solutions, it helps to organization to improve all business processes and quality of the product and services. It also helps to increase efficiency of the employees and also helps to find organization strengths and weaknesses. Business process management can apply to improvement of all business process activities. It can help to identify gaps in existing processes. It can help to development of new innovative processes which helps to increase product quality and services, whether you are working on improvement of employee efficiency process or improvement of production system process. Quality audit system The internal quality audit is the mechanism with the help of this operation of the quality management system is monitored and similar with the documented quality system is assured. Audits done by the auditors, auditors are appointed by the company for the Organizations functions or procedures being audited. Through the internal audit effectiveness of the quality system is gathered. The main purpose of the quality system is to verify quality of the product and services as per the organizations standard. Internal quality audit is very good for to increase effectiveness of the organization. Approaches to Auditing Vertical Auditing Horizontal Auditing Vertical audit looks at particular function or department. These types of audit monitor all the activities and procedures in the particular department. Internal audit are generally vertical audits. Horizontal audit follows start to end process. These types of audit look at procedures as they support the process itself and are likely to period many different departments. The internal quality audit system is a documented system covering the planning, execution and follow-up of quality audits carried out within the scope of the quality management system. It is part of the quality management system itself. Internal quality audit system having three functions (required by the ISO 9000) Management Representative Internal Quality Auditors Management Review Body All these three elements required by ISO 9000 but the method and implementation style of the internal quality audit system (IQAS) is not compulsory. The IQAS needs the corrective action system to be effective. An internal quality audit requires involvement of the organizations senior management peoples. This requires expert on the management team or the management representative. The management representative is the link between the operating quality management system and the company management through the management review function. The management representatives continuously focus on those problems which cannot be solve at any level. These problems may be detected through normal quality control activities, but these problems will also detect at the time of internal audits. The management representative is responsible for ensuring requirement of the organization in terms of policy, objective and supporting procedures are implemented and maintained. Quality manager is also responsibl e for organizations day to day activities. The role of quality manager is must fulfil these responsibilities. The quality manager must make good relationship with the workers. The quality manager must not have conflicts between workers or team. The quality manager is responsible for selecting, training and managing the quality auditors, managing internal audits, monitoring the implementation of the audit schedule and give report to the top management peoples. How many auditors required for auditing its depend on the size of the organization. The scope of the quality management system and the different functions carried out into the quality management system. For example manufacturing company having manpower 800 peoples, and spread over 3 sites, it could manage with a 24 internal auditors team and quality management system covered all the major functions. When the auditors take a audit in the organization at that time they must be independent. This prevents conflicts and internal politics which may be generates wrong results. Auditing is about communication with the peoples and listening about processes. Auditor must be good listener. The auditor must have good knowledge to ask the right questions for getting the required information. Implementation of the quality audit system The audit conducted as per the particular objective base and quality system and standard base. It is conducted by the auditors independently where they are auditing. This means when audit is conduct there must not include internal conflicts and politics which generate wrong results for the auditor. The typical process of audit will include: In first stage i.e. preparation stage during this stage auditor makes a list of functions to be audited. Deciding the scope of the audit. Preparing proper list of the questions to be covered during the audit. The manager or supervisor of the function being audited, it must be first receive copy of the list of the audit. The audit processes generally start with the meeting to clarify the scope of the audit. To everyone familiar with the audit process this stage is very short. During the audit noted any non-conformances and cross referenced to either the standard. The process of the audit will closes with taking meeting with auditee to agree the non conformances, and discuss about taking corrective actions and decide dates for actions to be completed. Solutions and the corrective actions and dates for the completion will all in the form of audit report. Once the audit is completed report should be prepared within 24 hours. The audit is not considered as closed until organization take corrective actions have been completed and auditor confirms all taken actions. If the Follow audit is not complete auditor must take re-audit start from the first process and find useful solutions. Ways to introduce new quality culture Company, Suppliers and customers we are all in together When company follows this culture means we are all this together, reminds everyone how individuals success depends on company success and the companys success depends on how everyone doing their work well. This type of environment helps to identify everyone is a part of organization and having personal identity. Its also support for teamwork with the teams. It will help to company for create strong employee loyalty. Open, Honest communication is important Sympathy In the organization everyone has problems regarding to personal, social, or any problem in organization work. Managerial person must having sense and appreciation about the employee when employee having any problem. Listening Sometimes some peoples not listen to others. Peoples try to say what on their minds, they try to say how they are right and others are wrong, but no one wants listens him, sometimes this will creates organizations big loss. Because whatever they try to say which is very beneficial for the organization. The manager must have encouraged open and honest communication. This will support to making powerful decisions against the problems by involving everyones views in the organization. Different peoples having different views and ideas, if in organization having facility to listen everyones view and ideas then it will very useful for organizations success. Focus on Processes Every organizations success depends on how efficient processes done in the organization. Organization must focuses on processes because all processes in the organization not going well, it will automatically affects on product quality and hence it will affects on product sale. If organization wants success, it must have proper controls on all organizations processes. This will helps everyone to understand the importance of teamwork and cooperation to each other and the independence of the work. This helps to improvement of the quality using efficient quality tools and measure process performance and teamwork. Organization must monitor every process and by making changes into the processes increase efficiency, accuracy and speed to increase the productivity. If processes or plans are predefined in a company its outcome is always beneficial for a company, because management focuses on the processes which executed as per the requirements or plans, it helps to improve the productivity an d also quality. [6][3][8] Improve organizational performance Identify problems and opportunities for improvement In Honda Motors organizations work activities have done with the help of operations management activities for to achieve organizations objectives. Organization fixes objectives with the help of strategic planning. Company facing some problems in production system, but company continuously research on these problems and try to improve production speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the product. Company having good RD team for making continuously research on product quality and try to find solutions which increases product quality better than current quality. It helps to organization maintain position in the current market. In todays market customers required more fuel efficient cars, this is the big opportunity to Honda making cars with maximum fuel efficient with maintaining good quality of the product. Organization improvement Every organization produce product as per the current market need, and try to giving good quality product with minimum cost for improving product sale and secure place in market. Organizations objectives must set with the help strategic planning which helps for success. If the organization objectives set as per the market trend and need then it will helps to reduce variation between what customers want and what product and services deliver. Any product sale depends on how this product fulfils the customers requirement. When any organization produces any product, company must be making survey of the market and try to find out what the need of customers. Because what customers and stakeholders required and what product company delivers this is very important for organizations success. If the company produce any product which not fulfils customers need it will results customer leave this product, this will affect on product sale and companys status in the market. Implications of proposed changes within the organization. Organizational change it is nothing but of changing current work routines by introducing new rules and systems into the operation. Organizational change is very difficult because the regular routine activities not support to change. Organizational change also not directly supports because company working in current set environment which is not easily supports to the change. To compete with the competitors in the market every organization must make changes in the organization. Using new technologies and innovations produce quality product which will compete with the competitors product. Change in organization is very helpful for organization success. If the organizations proposed change implements properly with the help of change models and tools then it will increase organization efficiency, productivity, quality, and helps to produce quality product in minimum cost, otherwise it will generate organizations loss. The main objective of the organizational change is to increase quality of the product with minimum defect and earn maximum profit with investing minimum cost. 4.4. Implement changes in the organization Product quality Every organizational success is depends on his product and services. To increase product quality as per the customers requirement and comfort, because when consumers purchase your product if he will not satisfy long time with your product then he will leave your brand. Organization must continuously improve product quality and technology for the secure base in market place and increase sale of your product. If your product is good he compete with others product then automatically improve your organization profit. A good customer always customer always see the product quality. Because they wants long life comfort with the product, customers have many choices while buying a product so for that every company needs to maintain the product quality for to attract the customers. Cost of quality measurement In organization the three things are very important which are cost, time, and manpower required for the production, before producing any product every manufacturing company analyze this three things. For to maintains product quality organization must invest cost. Organization must calculate production cost and how much price he will get from the market it is very important. Organization must take care of these things when maintaining quality of the product. Because if organization produce quality product, but in market having competitors same product which having price is less than our product, if our company decrease product cost and this is less than production cost then it will generate organization loss. Sometimes it will not affect on companys sale of the product, when company having strong brand in a market place. Honda Motors have balance quality cost as per sales cost, and in the organization effective quality programs can reduce this almost, It will result making direct contribution to the profits. Honda Motors having powerful brand in market, thats why product cost not affects on product quality. This is the big advantage to the Honda Motors to earn more and more profit. To improvement of total organization performance and quality following points are important: Leadership must be important. Better implementation strategy and better planning Employee involvement should be accurate Easy and simple identification and measurement Proper Control and improvement in processes. Focusing on critical areas Honda Motors always research his critical areas and try to find solutions for how to convert these weaknesses into strengths. This strategy will helps to organization to create powerful organizational environment, and also helps to increase productivity. When Honda Motors introduce any product in the market after that they make survey in the market and finds critical areas of this product which is directly affect on his sale, for example Honda Motors introduce his new product (Honda City) which is not fuel efficient, this is appeared into customers feedback. Company focus on this area of this product, and try to find how to increase fuel efficiency in current production cost. Flexibility Organization must be flexible when any change creates, like environmental change, market changes, technological change etc at that time organization must find alternatives to solve these problems. If any machine downtime occurs at that time whole production not to be stop, it must be having alternatives to continue production process. If any employee knowing any machines operations and in case he will not able to come on work then, it must be having any alternative employee to handle this work. Flexibility in the organization is very important to smooth organization process. These all things support to increase organizations performance. Human Resource Development Employee is the major part of the organization. Managers must motivate to employees to complete their work. Arranging training sessions for the employees to the improve work efficiency. Give increments to the employees. Human resource development is also called as personnel developments consist of all activities to ensure that effective utilization of employees to completing organizational objectives. Provide good facilities to the employees where they work. Automation in production To improving organizational production processes, it must be use machines and robots for the production. This will very helpful for those organizations that are produce mass production. Automation is very useful for accuracy and fast production. It reduces manpower, cost of the production and helps to support batch production. Using automation in the organization, it increases productivity in minimum time. Minimum manpower is required. Teamwork Teamwork is the very important in organization to completing any task properly and fast. Organizational manager must motivate to employees work in team. Teamwork is very important factor to improving organization performance. It increases work efficiency. With the help of teamwork fast problems are to be solved, finds new innovative ways to completing particular task. Easily completed any task because of work is dividing in different parts. It helps to sharing new innovative ideas with the colleague, and this may be helps to increase organization performance. [1][5][7] Conclusion In the study of this assignment, we introduce new techniques for improving organizations quality. We also suggest how to manage business processes and how to improve processes. We find organizations strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threat with the help of SWOT analysis tool. We suggest how to improve product quality. In this assignment we take one case as Honda Motors and make analysis of the different factors of organization which affects on organizations quality, and we give solutions for to increase quality. This will helps to organization maintains organization as well as products quality.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Causes of Eating Disorders Essay -- Expository Cause Effect Essays

The Causes of Eating Disorders There is no single cause for eating disorders. A number of factors, including cultural and family pressures, chemical imbalances, and emotional and personality disorders collaborate to produce both anorexia and bulimia, although each disorder is determined by different combinations of these influences. Genetics may also play a small role. Between 40% to 96% of all eating-disordered patients experience depression and anxiety disorders; depression is also common in families of patients with eating disorders. Bulimic patients are more likely to report having emotional disorders and dysfunctional families than are anorexic-restrictor patients. It is not clear, however, whether emotional disorders are causes, results, or both, of eating disorders. Some experts claim that depression does not play a causal role, particularly in anorexia, because eating disorders are rarely cured when antidepressant medication alone is the treatment. The severity of the eating disorder is also not correlated with the severity of any existing depression. In addition, depression often improves after anorexic patients begin to gain weight. On the other hand, a number of studies have detected in some people with severe anorexia and bulimia abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain), particularly serotonin, that are associated with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. These neurotransmitters remain unstable even in recovering patients. Studies are finding that low blood levels of the amino acid tryptophan, a component in food that is essential to the production of serotonin, can produce depression and may also contribute to bulimia. During the dieting stage between binge... ... bingeing and purging by slowing down, thereby increasing the risk of weight gain from even normal calorie intake. The process of vomiting and use of laxatives may stimulate the production of natural opioids -- narcotics in the brain that cause an addiction to the bulimic cycle. Biologic Causes for the Perpetuation of Anorexia Nervosa. Hunger often intensifies depression, which can further reduce self-esteem and confidence, increasing the need for renewed vigilance over weight control, thus perpetuating the cycle. On the other hand, some experts believe that certain anorectic people inherit an unusual amount of natural narcotics that are released in the brain under conditions of starvation and may promote an addiction to the starved state. Starvation can also give a false sense of fullness due to reduced stomach activity, making it increasingly easy not to eat.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Korean Wave Being South Korea’s Economic Growth Booster Essay

Korean Wave is the growing aspiration to know more about South Korean culture. South Korea itself is an export-orientated country with a total trade volume of 884.2 billion in 2010, which makes South Korea the 7th largest exporter and 10th largest importer in the world. The cultural sector is the second biggest contributor after technological sector to the South Korea’s economic growth. The goods produced by the cultural sector are brought by the Korean Wave not only to the Asian but also to the American and Western markets. Korean Wave does give big contribution to South Korean’s economy through movies, pop music, tourism, and traditional arts. When we think of Korean Wave, we should mainly think of Korean drama and film industries. For example, the Korean wave took an extra boost with the popular TV dramas like â€Å"Winter Sonata† and â€Å"Jewel Palace†. For film, we can take â€Å"Old Boy† and â€Å"Bin Jip† as examples, which were extremely popular, even in Europe. The fact that importing a Korean dramas is a lot cheaper than having to purchase it from any other country can be a reason as well as the emotionally powerful plots they have. Besides Korean movies, Korean pop music also deserves a place on the list of exported Korean culture. K-Pop or Korean Pop is a musical genre originating in South Korea consisting of pop, dance, electropop, hip hop, rock, R&B, and electronic music. Let’s say Super Junior, 2NE1, SNSD, Wonder Girls, Big Bang, 2PM, JYP, IU, and many more, who does not know them? In 2011, these groups and singers have donated 35 trillion rupiah to South Korea’s GDP. These idols have a big impact on their fans’ culture, including food, fashion, make-up trends, and even plastic surgery. Leading talent agencies such as S.M. Entertainment Co. and YG Entertainment said recent concerts held by Korean entertainers in the United States and Europe have shown the potential for growth in markets outside of Asia. Korean big business is trying to transform those fans into consumers of Korean products and services. Korean Wave is exposing the â€Å"beauty attracts† that both of their celebrities and the places used by their popular movies have. The locations of the Korean movies took place has become a main destination for tourists. These tourists are mostly the fans who are willing to collect all their savings and travel to Korea just to see the place where their favorite scene in their movie took place, or even to watch their idols on a live show. The filming location of †Full House† in Shido Island, â€Å"Jewel in the Palace† in Daejanggeum Theme Park, Winter Sonata in Nami Island, and so on. Another tourism spots that people aim to visit in Korea are â€Å"Locks of Love† in Namsan Tower, a historic pagoda-style gateway Namdaemun, and another shopping places like Myeong-dong shopping area and Busan market. South Korea is also well-known as a hot spot for medical tourism, the country is expanding its one-stop plastic surgery centers to deal with the influx of foreigners flying in for surgical procedures. The government’s goal is to attract one million foreign patients by 2020. Thus, interest in flying to Korea is rising, so is the national income. There are also some Korean traditional arts that interest foreigners to visit Korea. They are like Hanok, Jeongjae, Buchaechum, Nongok, and Taepyeongmu. Hanok is Korean traditional house, whereas Jeongjae , Buchaechum, Nongok, and Taepyeongmu are Korean tradional dances. And don’t forget the Korean ceramics and Korean pottery, that most of them are went to Japan The road to Korean Wave is trodden everyday by new visitors who are warmly welcomed by Korean people and fascinated by the culture. The drive to know more about Korea stimulates Korean Wave to develop into more sophisticated cultural forms, which in turn, brings Korean Wave to a higher level. With this Korean Wave showing the advanced condition of South Korea itself, another countries’ awareness to invest in South Korea increases.

Friday, November 8, 2019

America is in the Heart essays

America is in the Heart essays Carlos Buslosan, a man that had very different kinds life. Even thou his family was rich, they spend all their money to educate on one son. That really supervised me. Through out the book, he always had work to make living day by day. When he arrived to America he pretty much sold to fisherman in Alaska. He did not earn much from he hard work, which was 13 dollars in year. Everywhere he went seems like there was gambling house and prostitutes. All the hard worked money was spend in the house, dancing with white women and gambling. Women cheat them by tarring the ticket by every minute instead three minutes. I think these gambling and prostitutes brought bad reputation to Asian people. The brothers he met in America. They lost their job during Great Depression. They did not help him much at all. I think meeting his brothers made Carlos Bulosan to get in to gambling, robbing and ect... Through out his life he was treated worse than dogs. His life changed when he met Pasc al. Pascal was Filipino but he had white woman as a wife. After Carlos met him. He was driving away from bad influence. Making newspaper for Filipinos on farm. Short experience of writing newspaper made him as a writer at the end. Later Carlos tries to make union between different races. He had to meet them out side the city limit, because city would not allow them have union meeting. It failed by Helen, which was a strikebreaker. I think government hired her, way she came out from jail over night when others stayed 3 days. Later in Pearl Harbor, he lost his brother Macario. In the book there was nothing about getting discriminated from Pearl Harbor incident. Reading this book was interesting, seeing how he spent his life as farmer, gambler, newspaper editor and writer. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Investigate the erosive characteristics of targets using a centrifugal accelerator erosion tester The WritePass Journal

Investigate the erosive characteristics of targets using a centrifugal accelerator erosion tester REFERENCES Investigate the erosive characteristics of targets using a centrifugal accelerator erosion tester ABSTRACTChapter 1: Introduction1.1 Overview:1.2 Erosive wear of pneumatic conveying systems1.3 Project Aim and ObjectivesAim:Objectives:1.4 Project and its scopeCHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Overview2.2 History of wear concept2.3 Basic concepts of erosive wear2.4 Mechanisms of wear test2.5 Factors effecting the erosive wear2.6 Test facilities and conditions2.6.1 Wear Test facilities2.6.2 Test condition for erosive wear impact2.6.3 Centrifugal accelerator erosive tester2.6.4 Glass-blast erosive wear test2.6.5 Measurement of wear 2.6.6 Measurement of solid particle velocity in erosive wear2.7 SummaryCHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY3.1 Overview3.2 Experimental requirements3.3 Test facilities3.3.1 Centrifugal accelerator tester3.3.2 Description of tabular feeder system3.3.3 Description of Double Disc Velocity meter3.3.4 Tachometer3.3.5 Mechanical sieves3.3.6 Ultrasonic bath for clean the targets3.4 Description of test materials3.4.1 Specimen (Mild steel)3.4.2 Olivine sand3.5 Test conditions for im pacting erosion wear3.7 SummaryCHAPTER 4 Calibrations of Impact Conditions4.1 Overview4.2 Calibration of exit angle of particle jet, particle velocity and speed of the rotating disc:[S2]4.2.1 Calculation of exit angles and particle velocity4.2.2 Calculations of impact conditions of centrifugal erosion tester:4.2.3 Calibration of exit angles of particles, particle velocity, speeds of rotating disc.[S3]4.3 Design of target holders for mild steelChapter 5: Experimental procedureOverview:Procedure:5.1 overview:5.2 Experimental resultsChapter 7 Discussion of Results:6.1 Overview:6.2 Erosion rate with respect to Impact angles:6.3 Erosion rate with respect to velocity of the particle:6.4 ConclusionsCHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONSCHAPTER 8 Future workREFERENCESRelated ABSTRACT Erosive wear is the phenomenon of removal of the surface of any component basing on different conditions due to high-speed impact of solid, liquid or gaseous particles. It is a common occurrence on most plant and machineries and manufacturing industries. The phenomenon of erosive wear has been studied for many years, and still research is going on the material-related aspects of particle impact erosion. Different laboratory testing methods were used to determine the erosion resistance of all eroded materials. In order to predict the erosive wear rate during the erosion test, some major properties such as effect of erosion parameters, effect of abrasive particle characteristics were investigated. The Aim of the project was to continue the work done by scholars and to investigate erosive characteristics of targets by using a small centrifugal accelerator erosion tester.   The present project focuses on the erosion of ductile materials particularly mild steels as these are used in pneumatic conveyor plants where some of the most severe erosion problem occurs. An experimental process was conducted with olivine sand, mild steel as hitting and target specimens to calculate the erosion rate. During the experimental process a study was made to calculate the specific wear rate and analyse the wear properties under different testing conditions. The report presented gives the detailed description of experimental process along with description of materials and tools used. Also report gives detailed analysis of relations of wear properties and rates of relations. Finally future works which could be possible are discussed in the report. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Overview: Wear is a progressive loss of substance resulting from mechanical interaction between two contacting surfaces, it is a common occurrence on most plant and machineries and manufacturing industries. In 1997, a survey of wear problems and costs in UK industry indicated that a typical average cost due to wear was about 0.25 percent of company turnover [4] [5]. Wear can be abrasion, erosion, corrosion or other chemical reaction, appearance of failed surfaces (e.g. cracking, melting, phase transformation) etc But processes involving erosive wears where there is an involvement of particle size, particle velocity, angle of incidence, and particle distribution are more effective than others. 1.2 Erosive wear of pneumatic conveying systems Erosion involves the mass removed from the surface of any component at different conditions due to high-speed impact of solid particle or a liquid particle. Generally the erosive wear sizes between 5 and 500 microns by causing the particles. (W-1) [3]. Today, many engineering industrial plants are facing the situation of the erosion wear. Phenomenon of erosive wear has been studied for many years, and still research is going on the material-related aspects of particle impact erosion. There is a certain need for the analysis of wear process, before defining the exact problem. As stated earlier wear can be abrasion, erosion, corrosion or other chemical reaction, appearance of failed surfaces (e.g. cracking, melting, phase transformation etc.). The types of wear process will be able to tell what kind of testing is needed to find the wear problem. Sliding friction, erosion testing processes which involve surface fatigue can be modelled at a reduced scale. But processes involving abrasive wears, erosive wear where there is an involvement of particle size, particle velocity, angle of incidence, and particle distribution should be modelled at full scale. This can only happen with an appropriately designed test, and it will be carried out in specially designed erosion testers which involve impact of a stream of particles agai nst a test sample. In order to predict the erosive wear rate during the erosion test, some following major aspects have been investigated (3 progress) [6]. Size and shape of particle Material Properties of the target Impact conditions (Impact angle, impact velocity) Particle concentration on the target. Now a day’s Different laboratory testing methods are used to determine the erosion resistance of all eroded materials. But the main challenge lies in the prediction of correct test conditions which should be adopted during the test. Current project study will involve calibration of test conditions such as particle velocities and impact angles to the targets. The work was mostly concentrated on erosive characteristics of ductile materials used in pneumatic conveyor plants where erosive problems occur most often. As mild steel is a commonly used ductile material in conveyor plants it was chosen as the target material and centrifugal accelerator type erosion tester was used to find the wear characteristics. 1.3 Project Aim and Objectives Aim: The Aim of the project is to continue the work done by those scalars and to investigate erosive characteristics determination of mild steel targets by using a small centrifugal erosion tester.   The present project focuses on the erosion of ductile materials particularly mild steels as these are used in pneumatic conveyor plant where some of the most severe erosion problem occurs. The experiment will be carried out with some of effective erosive wear factors. Objectives: The project has been divided in to several objectives. The main objectives of this project are listed below Calibration of impact conditions on a centrifugal erosion tester Controlling the impact characteristics for pre-set test condition Determination of erosive wear for mild steel targets Relationship between erosion rates for different impact conditions. 1.4 Project and its scope   The main purpose of the project was to determine the erosive wear which is a serious problem in the pneumatic conveyors. Here in this project an attempt was made to calculate erosive wear rate in the mild steel target material using the olivine sand as the eroded material. The results obtained from the experiment can be used for minimising the erosion rate in the mild steel made pneumatic conveyors. Also the work done can be taken as a guideline for several future works in the field of erosive wear.    CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview Ample of research has been carried out in the area of erosive wear impact on plant and machineries and manufacturing industries. The theoretical concepts obtained from different references such as journals, websites, papers and books which are directly or indirectly related to the project are presented in this chapter. 2.2 History of wear concept Erosive Wear is the concept which is not new to the manufacturing industry, it was first proposed in 17th century. Till 18th century until Osborne Reynolds paper on hydrodynamic lubrication it was not well known in manufacturing industry. In the paper author explained the causes of wear and need for lubrication for the first time. Gradual progress was made from 18th century and now days it has emerged as important factor in any manufacturing industry. 2.3 Basic concepts of erosive wear Removal of material from the surface of the solid body is known as wear. Wear may combine effects of various physical and chemical processing preceding the friction between two contracting materials. obtained result was micro-cutting, micro-ploughing,  Plastic deformation, cracking,  fracture,  welding, melting, chemical interaction(w-2)[11]. Before the start of project it is necessary to know the all basic concepts of wear. Definition of wear coefficient K. (Lb-2) [12]K= Where V=volume worn away L= total sliding distance W=applied load Erosive wear occur due to the impact of number of small particles on the surface of the any mechanical object. Generally erosive wear is caused by the particles of sizes between 5 and 500 microns. Surfaces are impacted by continuous stream of hard particles which is known as particle erosion (11) [3]. One of such major place where erosion occurs is pneumatic conveyors, which may result in punctuation of conveyor bends or dust problem if the bends are penetrated. The main effects of the erosive wear are (2) [13]. Dimensional changes Leakage Lower efficiency Generated particles contribute more wear Erosive wear resistance cannot be estimated only by hardness and characterizing resistance to  Ã‚   penetration. The wear resistance of hard material with equal hardness level can be attributed to their resistance fracture (8) [14]. There are two types of wear which are main reasons for erosion. The first one is due to the repeated deformation during the collision and the other one is due to the cutting action of the free moving particles. The rate of erosion depends on the particle velocity which results in the plastically formed concavity of similar radius of curvature to that of the particle (2)[13]. Repeated deformation during the collision: This type of erosion occurs in the systems in which particles moves at high speeds for example pneumatic fluid bed systems, air mills etc. where the particles move free at high speed and impact on the solid which results in the wear (2)[13].The formula for deformation wear is Where Wd= Units volume loss M= Total mass of impinging particles V= Particle velocity ÃŽ ±= Impact angle K= Maximum particle velocity at which the collision still is purely elastic and ÃŽ µ= the energy needed to remove a unit volume of material from the body by deformation wear. Cutting action of the free moving particles: This type of wear is occurred due to the particle that impinges the component at an acute angle and due to this there is scratching of material from the surface of the component. This scratching of the material is highly influenced by the velocity and the impact angle of the particle (2)[13]. 2.4 Mechanisms of wear test Wear is occurred by mechanical or chemical reactions generally accelerated by friction heating. There are six main wear phenomena which explain only removal of material from the solid surfaces (16) [15]. In many cases, wear is initiated by one of these mechanisms and it may proceed by other wear mechanism, there by complicating failure analysis. Particle contamination can damage systems by causing a variety of types of wear (15) [12]. The following table shows the primary cause of wear for each mechanism (1) [16]. Type of mechanism Primary cause Abrasive wear Particle between adjacent moving surface Adhesive wear Particle and high fluid velocity Fatigue wear Surface to surface contact (loss of oil film) Corrosive wear Particle damaged surface subjected to repeated stress Erosive wear Water or chemical Table 2.1: Different types of wear mechanisms. (1)[16] Finnie in his work Observations of the erosion of ductile metals has made an attempt to clearly discuss the factors affecting the erosion in ductile metals. Also Gwidon W. Stachowiak, Andrew W. Batchelor, GrazynaStachowiak (2004) in their journal Experimental methods in Tribology discussed the mechanism of erosion of ductile metals analytically and experimentally. The analysis was carried out by writing the equation of motion of a single particle impaction on the surfaces, volume for the same was then calculated using the trajectory of particles [18]. Such type of approaches was obviously unsuitable for brittle materials. In the experiment the particle velocity on the surface of the ductile metals were obtained by using high speed double flash light source. The authors mainly concentrated on the calculation of single particle of different sizes and at different angles with which he then calculated for whole of the volume of particles. The authors also explained about the drawbacks th at they came across during the experiment and mentioned about the most unsatisfactory feature of his analysis. It underestimates the weight loss at large angles and, in particular, predicts no erosion at 90 °, and explained the three effects which cause the relative erosion at high angles to be greater than that predicted by the sample theory (9)[17]. 2.5 Factors effecting the erosive wear The numbers of factors which significantly affect the rate of erosive wear were discussed by Dr.Dmitri Kopeliovich in his work Mechanisms of wear in 2009.According to him the factors are (12)[11] Impingement angle: the angle at which a particle hits the surface is very important to erosive wear rate. By the experience it was found that the wear rate was high at an angle of 30 ° for ductile material and 90 ° angle for brittle materials. Impact speed: high speed particles impacts cause more damage than low speed collisions. Particle properties: particle properties were more important in erosive wear phenomenon, sharp and hard particles causes more wear rate. Temperature: High temperatures cause high erosive wear because increase in softness of material in high temperatures Particle flux rate: Particle flux rate is the mass of particles hitting an area of surface per unit of time, which can vary greatly from 100 kg/m^2/s to 10,000 kg/m^2/s. 2.6 Test facilities and conditions 2.6.1 Wear Test facilities The national laboratory in the UK identified over 400 wear testing standards all over the world and American society of lubrication engineers indentified 300 tests that were used in various test laboratories in year of 1973. From these tests some type of tests have slight variation on others, less than 100number of tests are useful to find out the wear problems (15)[12]. As early as Mr. Neale was carried out a survey on wear in 1997 as the result in his survey seven types of wear mechanism were identified, most significant wears were abrasive, erosive and adhesive wear. More than one test method is justified for a particular wear type and more than ten test methods are justified to meet industrial need for seven types of methods (14)[5].There are three major types of erosion testing devices that are used throughout the world for quantifying particle impact erosion against a solid surface (10)[18]. 2.6.2 Test condition for erosive wear impact One of the important tasks of the project was to identify the ideal testing conditions. A journal by B.G Mellor in Surface coatings for protection against wear gives the brief idea of various testing standards. According to Mellor the main equipment that is required to find the erosive wear of the pneumatic bed is the centrifugal accelerator erosion tester. Here in the experiment the different test conditions like using different velocities at different impinging angles are used to find the erosive wear of the component. The investigation is mainly focused on the effect of the particle concentration, effect of progression of wear and the effect of bend radius (3) [19]. The pneumatic conveyor test rig should also be inspected prior to the experiment. The equipment should be set to the conditions that would exactly suit the experiment. Hence, the rotational speed of the screw feeder, the blow tank pressure and the mass flow rate of the air supplied to the conveying pipe all should be adjusted to give a positive experimental result (4)[20].   As mentioned the test rig material is the mild steel on which the experiment is to be performed. The material that is to be used in the experiment which is to be impinged on the mild steel component is the olivine sand abrasives. Olivine sand consists of 98.5% (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, with the balance being made up of traces of metallic oxides. The particles density of the abrasive material should be found out prior to the experiment. The grain size should also be measured and found before the experiment (3)[19]. 2.6.3 Centrifugal accelerator erosive tester The test equipment that is to be used for the determination of the erosive wear for mild steel impacted by olivine sand is the centrifugal accelerator erosion tester. The schematic figure of the centrifugal accelerator erosion tester is shown below (4)[20]. Figure 2.1: Schematic of the centrifugal accelerator type erosion tester (4)[20]. The centrifugal accelerator erosion tester is the testing equipment that is to be used in the experiment in the laboratory. The main parts of the centrifugal erosion tester are feeder, an accelerating rotating disc and a target holding system. The abrasive olivine sand is fed into the central hole of the rotating disc and is accelerated through the several radial ceramic tubes by the centrifugal force and ejected from the end of the tubes. The specimen targets are set for the reorientation relative to the direction of parallel flow by the disc on holders. The edges and back face of the specimens are protected from particle impact to prevent unwanted erosion. The target holder is the main equipment that is used for the change of angle for the particles that to be feed into the system. There are many experiments performed using the same equipment by many researchers which would help the present work with their papers. They clearly explained about the working procedure of the experiment and the methodology and also the result which would be a great reference for the present piece of work (5)[21]. 2.6.4 Glass-blast erosive wear test This test used for determined the wear factors .the glass blast test is consist of carbide nozzle 90mm in length with inter diameter 3mm and it having air injection for particle acceleration. A screw feeder mounted to form a loss in weight, this feeder fed the abrasive into the injector housing. And the object was placed on the adjustable table to control impact angles on the object. The author T.Deng was compared the wear factors using the two wear test and compared the results (6) [22]. The figure 2.2 show below was glass-blast erosive wear test. Figure 2.2:   Glass blast erosive wear test (6)[22] 2.6.5 Measurement of wear The measurement of wear is partly determined by the change of mass occurred in the object. A journal by Gwidon W. Stachowiak, Andrew W. Batchelor, GrazynaStachowiak in Experimental methods gave the brief idea about measurement of wear.   Another problem in the experiment of wear is loss of data when wear is measured over a series of intervals as opposed to continuous monitoring and this monitor shows all worn loss on the object figure 2.3.    Figure2.3: Loss of information when continues wear recording is substituted by periodic measurement (17)[23]. At present there are methods of measuring wear: Detection of change in mass. Measurement of reduction in dimension of a worn specimen. Profilometry of the worn specimen. 2.6.6 Measurement of solid particle velocity in erosive wear Authors A. W. Ruff and L. K. Ives in their paper explained about measurement of solid particle velocity in erosive wear that is being performed in their experiment in the laboratory. Measuring of solid particle velocity is mostly depends on the best erosive testing equipments. Here they have performed the experiment using three different erosion testing apparatus, and explained the working procedure of each of the three different apparatus used. The motion of velocity of particles was determined by high speed photo graphics methods. Also they have shown methods of increasing and decreasing the velocity of particles through motors and transmitted them on transducer output which can be viewed directly on an oscilloscope. As the project is based on experiment the paper would be of great use because the experimental procedure can be useful in many ways (7)[9]. 2.7 Summary The chapter gave detailed literature review of the concept of erosion and its developments over the years. Literature review was very much useful for the proper understanding of the topic and gaps in research. Based on these gaps in research the author proceeded further in project work and the next chapter gives detailed methodologies, equipments and tools used during project work. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Overview This chapter explains about the different testing methods and tools used during the experimental process. Also a brief description of materials and material handling equipment is given. 3.2 Experimental requirements olivine sand was prepared to required sizes: Due to vast availability of olivine sand in the nature it is been preferred in the present project. With the use of sieving machine olivine sand was prepared to required sizes ranging from 45-425 µm. impact velocity and angle were calibrated by double disc velocity meter: The double disc velocity meter was used for calibration of impact angles and impact velocities. The calibration results were used for calculating the erosion rate of the mild steel target at proposed conditions. Setting up of right test conditions: To satisfy the proposed test conditions the correct setup of the experiment was required. The setup process would include setting up the position of the target angle, rotating speed of the accelerating rotating disc and feeding rate of the olivine sand. The erosion characteristics of mild steel were determined at certain conditions: Most of the pneumatic conveyers are designed by specific characteristics conditions , based on this characteristics condition have been choose some specific conditions such as an impact angles 20 °,30 °,45 ° and 90 °Ã‚  Ã‚   and velocity 20,30 and 40 m/sec during this experiment . The main intention was to finding impact angles, impact velocities and size of the material were to determine the erosion rate. Determination of specific erosion rate on mild steel: The specific erosion rates of mild steel target were calculated at different conditions by changing the impact angles and impact velocities, the results were analysed. The highest erosion rate and the least erosion rate of the target were calculated. These results were useful for the predicted models. 3.3 Test facilities There were number of tools used for analysing the test during the experiment which was described below. 3.3.1 Centrifugal accelerator tester Erosion wear test apparatus built by T.deng at the wolfson centre was available for this wear test. Centrifugal accelerator tester which is illustrated in figure 3.1 below consists of a feeder, an accelerator rotation disc and target holding systems. There were two types of feeders to feed the materials into the rotating disc which were vibratory feeder and conical feeder. Conical feeder was used for this present project. The target particles continuously fed to the centre hole of the accelerator rotating disc through special type of funnel, and then from the feeder they travel outwards along the radial tubes in the rotating disk. Material leaves disc at the periphery with tangential velocity equal to disc velocity. Targets are mounted at the points surrounding the periphery of the disc and the specimens are exposed to a series of eroded streams particles from the radial tubes of the rotating disc. Figure 3.2 schematical diagram of centrifugal accelerator tester:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Figure 3.1: Centrifugal accelerator type erosion tester This method is more advantageous over the gas jet method and well suited to perform the screening tests on many different materials. The specimens were mounted on the holding system which rotates slowly around the accelerator rotating disc but it rotates only in one direction, to eliminate any possible bias associated with specific specimen locations. The maximum numbers of specimens per test have ranged to 30 in different design of rigs. [25] Accelerator rotating disc is one of the most important parts of the centrifugal accelerator tester. Usually the rotating disc diameter varies between 200 and 600 mm. The apparatus shown in figure 3.1 has a disc of 240 mm in diameter and it contains six radial alumina ceramic tubes with an internal bore diameter of 2.6 mm. The erosion centre was placed on rotating disc of 0.24m diameter [25]. The disc was attached to an infinitely variable inverter controlled motor that was driven by V- shape belt drive. The motor requires 220-240 voltage and which has maximum of 2850 revolution per minute. 3.3.2 Description of tabular feeder system In order to obtain a constant mass flow rate of the abrasive particle, a tabular feeder is used to feed the abrasive material into conveyers or into the erosion test rig and serves as an auxiliary machine in coal washing, electric power, sintering plant and building industries [24]. Tabular feeder consist two main parts. 1)   Hopper 2)   Rotating control disc Hopper acts as storage for olivine sand before feeding into the accelerator disc, rotating control disc controls flow rate of material is required. The speed of the rotating disc can be altered using this speed control unit as a result the material flow will change according to the speed of the rotating disc. Figure 3.2 shows the laboratory tabular feeder used for the project work. Calibration of the tabular feeder was achieved by measuring the flow rate of mass of materials. Figure 3.2: Tabular feeder [U1] 3.3.3 Description of Double Disc Velocity meter There are two types of instruments which were used to measure the particle velocity vector in an erosion tester, they are optoelectric velocity meter and laser Doppler anemometer (k89) [10]. The accuracy of the particle velocity measure was low while using optoelectric velocity meter in centrifugal erosion tester. Therefore, a static form of the double–disc velocity meter and displaced wear scar method (R75)[9] were used for calibration test of the particle velocity vector. Static form of double disc velocity meter is used to measure the particle velocity vector and direction of particle travel. The slot on the double disc velocity meter from which continuous flow of eroded particle travels and hits the surface of the target forms a scar on target material. The exit angle of the actual particle jet can be calculated by the following equation. A schematic diagram of double disc velocity meter is shown in figure 3.3. Figure 3.3: Double disc velocity meter 3.3.4 Tachometer Tachometer is a mechanical instrument used to measure the speed of rotating devices. Here in the present experiment it is used for measuring the speed of the accelerating rotating disc. It has the digital display which when placed against the rotating device shows the speed in rpm. The figure of tachometer is shown below. Figure 3.4: Tachometer 3.3.5 Mechanical sieves Sieving is one of the oldest and well-known methods for particle size measurement. Sieve test is a procedure to differentiate the fine material from the course material with the help of a nested column of sieves with wire mesh cloth. Required material is poured into the top sieve which has largest screen openings, each sieve openings in the column are arranged in order of decreasing size, from top to bottom, where it is collected at the base, which is called receiver. The sieve shakes the column, for fixed amount of time, depending on amount of material poured. After the material is finished amount of sand on each sieve is weighed. The weight of sample of each sieve is then divided by the total weight to give a percentage retained in each sieves. Figure 3.5 shows BS Sieves with sieve shaker machine. % Retained =   Ãƒâ€"100 % Where W sieve is mass of retained in sieve W total is the total mass retained in all sieves. Figure 3.5: Mechanical sieves on sieve shaker 3.3.6 Ultrasonic bath for clean the targets An ultrasonic machine is cleaning equipment used for delicate items which uses ultrasound (usually from20-400 kHz) and the appropriate cleaning solvent (sometimes ordinary tap water). This machine can only be used with water but solvent which gives a better cleaning option is always advised to clean the object. These machines are mostly used for cleaning jewellery, lenses and other optical parts, surgical instruments. Ultrasonic machine uses high frequency sound waves to agitate in an aqueous or organic compound. Water is used for normal cleaning of the object where as the solvent is used for more effective cleaning. Figure 3.6: Ultrasonic Targets Cleaner 3.4 Description of test materials 3.4.1 Specimen (Mild steel) Mild steel typically means soft, unhardened steel with low carbon content. Mild steel is the type of steel that contains iron as well as little amount of other elements i.e. 0.18-0.23%Carbon, 0.30-0.60%Manganese, 0.30% Silicon, 0.040% Phosphorous and 0.50% Sulphur. Cheap availability, high stiffness and magnetic property are some of the user friendly characteristics for the vast application of mild steel. Other specifications of mild steel are: Density of mild steel =7.85 g/cm3 (0.284 lb/in3) Young’s modulus = 210,000Mpa (30,000,000psi) Mild steel was taken in 2.5Ãâ€"25Ãâ€"26 mm square specimens and mass of each specimen was measured as approximately 13.34 to 14.90 grams. Figure 3.7: Mild steel target 3.4.2 Olivine sand Olivine sand is one of the most common and easily available minerals in the earth, It has less amount of thermal dilation and is composition of magnesium and iron ortho silicate with chemical formula (Mg,Fe)2SiO4. The density of olivine sand is 3.28 gm/cm3, melting point up to ~1760 deg. C and the crystals present are angular with sharp edges [29] and the product is hard, dense and heavy in nature. It is an abrasive media for sand blasting and water jet cutting services. The main uses of olivine sand are iron ore processing, foundry sands, abrasives, agriculture etc. Chemical Specification of olivine sand [30]: Products Specification MgO 42-47 % SiO2 35-42% Fe2O3 10-13% CaO 2-2.5 % LOI 1.5% Max    Figure 3.8: various size of olivine sand (45~425  µm) 3.5 Test conditions for impacting erosion wear The prominent parameters and their effect on erosion are as follows: 1) Impact angle Impact angle is defined as the angle between the target surface and the direction of striking the solid particle. The variation of erosion wear with the impact angle depends on the characteristics of the target surface material namely brittle or ductile type. 2) Velocity of solid particles Velocity of solid particle strongly impacts the erosive wear. As particle velocity increases there is significant increase in erosion rate. The erosion rate is generally related to the particle velocity using power law relationship in which the power index for velocity varies in the range of 2-4. 3) Particle size and shape of test materials Particle size and shape is also one of the prominent parameter, which impact erosion wear. Many investigators have considered solid particle size important to erosion. The erosive wear increases with increase in particle size according to power law relationship. The effect of particle shape on the erosion is not very well established due to difficulties in defining the different shape features. Generally roundness factor is taken into consideration. If roundness factor is one then the particles are perfectly spheres and a lower values show the particle angularity. Analysis of hitting particle (Olivine Sand) Pneumatic conveyors are mainly used to transport the powdered materials with high speed and various angles. Project work was mainly based on wear erosion of ductile materials in pneumatic conveyors which is caused by powdered particles, hence Olivine sand was chosen as hitting material. Olivine sand is Magnesium Iron silicate which is one of the most common materials found on the earth, Because of its availability and low cost it was chosen in the work, a detailed description of olivine sand was given in section 3.2. One of the important factors in erosion rate of the target material is size of the particle. Hence measuring of size of the olivine sand was the first experimental work which has been carried out. The size of the sand was measured by using BS Sieves; the description of BS sieves was given earlier in the chapter. Steps involved in analysis of sand are as follows: 300 grams of olivine sand was taken and dried before use. The sand was poured through different sizes of BS Sieves which vary from 45  µm to 425  µm.   Ten minutes of vibration with amplitude of 7 Hertz were taken as the standard measurements for the apparatus.   The vibrator which was connected to sieves vibrates whole apparatus then sand follows downward path on the apparatus leaving behind different sizes of grains in each sieve. Amount of Different sizes of sand left behind in each sieve was measured using electronic weighing machine. Calculations related to Olivine sand are as follows: Percentage of weight retained in each sieve is given by dividing the weight of sand in each sieve by total weight of sand. % retained = (W sieves / W total) Ãâ€"100 % Where W sieve is mass of sand retained in sieve W total is the total mass retained in all sieves. Amount of sand left behind in each sieve and percentages of remaining amount of sand were calculated and tabulated. Tabular column was given in appendix 3.1 A graph was plotted with cumulative percentage of total mass of sand retained on Y axis and sieves size on X axis. This graph gives the average size of particle which was to hit the target. Figure 4.1: Cumulative graph for percentage mass of sand and sieve size It can be seen from the graph that a centre line is cutting the cumulative percentage weights of the sand. The point where the line cuts the graph is the average weight of the particle. The average size of the particle was calculated as ≈ 144 µm from the above graph and shape of olivine sand was angular. After size analysis of material, the next stage of the experimental procedure was calibration of impact velocity and angle of the particle .In case of the centrifugal accelerator, the particle velocity is dependent on the rotation velocity of the rotating disc. The range of particle impingement over the surface of a target varies due to the geometry of this type of erosion tester and need to be accounted for. Therefore, some calibrations are necessary to be carried out before the test work starts which include measurement of particle velocity and calibration of the abrasive feeders. 4) Particle concentration for erosive tests Concentration is amount of solid particles by weight or by volume in the fluid. As concentration of particle increases more particles strike the surface of impeller which increase the erosion rate, the concentration of slurries can vary from 2% to 50% depending upon the type of slurry. However, at very high concentrations particle interaction increases and this decreases the striking velocity of particle on the surface. 3.7 Summary This chapter can be considered as the backbone of project work as all the methodologies, description of working equipment, testing conditions and analysis of testing materials were discussed in the chapter. The following chapter discusses about the calibrations of impact angles which is most important in finding the exact test conditions. CHAPTER 4 Calibrations of Impact Conditions 4.1 Overview This chapter gives detailed description of work done during the project work. All the experimental works, results obtained from those experiments, analysis of the results have been discussed the chapter. 4.2 Calibration of exit angle of particle jet, particle velocity and speed of the rotating disc:[S2] The second and most important phase of the experimental work was the calibration of exit angle of the particle, velocity of particle and speed of the accelerator rotating disc. Before calculating erosion rate of target material it is necessary to know the speed of accelerator rotating disc and exit angle of hitting particle at given testing conditions. These can be calculated by calibrating the results obtained after carrying out the experiment with different standard speeds of accelerator rotating disc and various impact angles of hitting particles of the target material. Certain testing conditions were suggested for the experiment which are: Impact angles of the hitting particles at 20 °, 30 °, 45 °, 90 ° of the target material Impact Velocities of hitting particle: 20m/s, 30m/s, 40m/s This stage of experiment was sub divided in different stages: 4.2.1 Calculation of exit angles and particle velocity The exit angle and velocity of the particle was calculated by hitting the target surface with olivine sand. An electric circuit board was taken as target material for this calibration test. The exposed surface of the target was coated blue colour for a better view of particle impact and then it was placed in double disc velocity meter. A detailed description of double disc velocity meter was given in chapter 3. A total of six double disc velocity meters were used for three different angles for more accurate calibrations. The double disc velocity meters were placed in a work holding system where the normal target holders are placed and with desired angles which are 30, 45, 60 degrees respectively. The figure 4.2 shows the work holding system with double disc velocity meters. Figure4.2: Double disc velocity meter on target holding system Figure 4.5:detailed schematic figure of double disk velocity meter with target Different stages of the experimental procedure are described below. Velocity of accelerator rotating disc was fixed to 1500 rpm with the help of tachometer. There was a speed controller for increasing and decreasing the rotating disc speed to obtain desired speed. The double disc velocity meter was located at the position where the normal specimen target holders stand and rotated to a given angle ÆŸr, with respect to the centre of the rotating disc. 500gms of olivine sand was manually fed into the centre of accelerator rotating disc with the help of conical feeder. From the centre of rotating disc the eroded particles (olivine sand) was equally distributed into the six ceramic tubes. By centrifugal force Olivine sand is forced towards target specimens through alumina ceramic tubes. The continuous flow of sand hits the targets with certain angle which is the exit angle of particle (K) forming the impact on surface of the target. The specimen was then removed and cleaned and then photo scanned for further calculations of exit angle and particle velocity. Figures 4.3 show the scanned photo of two test specimen for 30 degrees impact angle on target surface. Figure 4.3: The scan photo of two test specimen for 30 degrees impact angle on target surface. Figures related to other angles and other rotating speeds are shown in appendix 4.1. Exit angle of the particle was calculated by using the following figure. Figure 4.4 geometry of the double disc velocity meter for measuring the particle velocity vector and particle exit angle at the time of testing 4.2.2 Calculations of impact conditions of centrifugal erosion tester: Using photo scanner which can improve the accuracy of measurement from 0.5mm up to 0.01mm, the exit angle of the actual particle jet can be calculated by the following equations, K=cos-1 [sin (60 °-ÃŽ ±)/r Ãâ€" (r+s)] for 30 ° angle K=cos-1 [sin (45 °+ÃŽ ±)/r Ãâ€" (r+s)] for 45 ° angle K=cos-1 [sin (30 °+ÃŽ ±)/r Ãâ€" (r+s)] for 60 ° angle Where, K= exit angle, r= radius of the rotating disc, s= distance between slot and edge of accelerator disc, ÃŽ ±=angle between target centre and particle jet. 1)  Ã‚  1500 rpm -30 °- 1 target From the formula stated above K=cos-1 [sin (60 °-ÃŽ ±)/r Ãâ€" (r+s)] From the reference of figure 4.4 the following values were obtained x= 3.98, y=11.55, r=120mm, s=18.65, ÃŽ ±=19.01 °   k= cos-1 0.723 K=40.73 ° Where X= distance from impact centre to target centre Y= distance from slot to target r= rotating disc radius s=distance from rotating disc to slot centre ÃŽ ± = angle of target holder 2)  Ã‚  1500 rpm -30 °- 2 target   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the formula stated above K=cos-1 [sin (60 °-ÃŽ ±)/r Ãâ€" (r+s)] From the figure the values were obtained x= 4.15, y=11.95, r=120mm, s=18.65, ÃŽ ±=19.15 °   Cos k= 0.730 K=40.91 ° The calculations for the exit angles of the particle jet at 45, 60 degrees at a speed of 1500 rpm are shown in appendix 4.2. The experiment was repeated with different speeds of accelerator disc which are 2000 and 2500 rpm respectively. The calculations are shown in appendix 4.2. The quantity of sand was decreased with increasing speeds of accelerator disc, for accurate impact on the surface. Exit angle for each speed of rotation disc was calculated by the formula Exit angle K = Where k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6 are exit angles of particle jet. And all the exit angles were tabulated below Position of the Target angle (deg) Exit angles of Particle jet (deg) Accelerator disc speed (rpm) 1500 2000 2500 30 ° Target 1 (k1) 40.73 ° 40.68 ° 42.68 ° Target 2 (k2) 40.91 ° 41.23 ° 41.29 ° 45 ° Target3 (k3) 32.43 ° 32.50 ° 39.42 ° Target4 (k4) 33.55 ° 32.81 ° 40.39 ° 60 ° Target5 (k5) 37.79 ° 37.69 ° 38.53 ° Target6 (k6) 35.78 ° 36.43 ° 37.01 ° Exit angle (K) 36.86 ° 36.905 ° 39.88 ° Table 4.2: Exit angles for various double-disc velocity meters at different angles and speeds The next step was to calculate the particle velocity which was calculated by using the following methodology: Figure 4.5: calibration of the particle velocity For 1500RPM Exit angle K=36.865 ° from above tabular column. Tangent angle (VÃŽ ¸) = ωr Where ω is speed of the accelerator rotating disc r is radius of radius of accelerator rotating disc VÃŽ ¸=18.84m/sec From the Figure 3.4 Cos (K) =VÃŽ ¸/VP Where VP is Particle Velocity Cos (36.865 °) = 18.84/VP VP=23.55m/sec In the similar way particle velocity at different rpm was calculated .the calculation part are shown in appendix 4.3and the velocities are: Particle velocity for 2000 RPM is 31.43m/sec Particle velocity for 2500 RPM is 40.94m/sec. 4.2.3 Calibration of exit angles of particles, particle velocity, speeds of rotating disc.[S3] The next and most important stage of the experiment was calibration of Exit angles of particles, particle velocity, and speed of the rotation disc. A graph was plotted with the help of obtained exit angles; particle velocity for standard conditions (disc velocity 1500, 2000, 2500 rpms, and target angles 30 45 60 degrees) is shown in figure 4.6. Figure4.6: Calibration of exit angles of particles, particle velocity, speeds of rotating disc.[S4]   Calculation of speed of rotating discs, exit angle from the calibration, at proposed impact velocities. With the help of graph, the values of rotating disc speed, exit angles of the particles were found for the given testing conditions. The values of particle exit angle (K) and rotating disc speed are given in the tabular column below. Proposed impact velocities (m/sec) Particle exit angle K (degree) Rotating disc speed (rpm) 20 36.5 1280 30 36.9 1909 40 39.9 2442 Table4.3: values of exit angle and rotating disc speed at impact velocities 20, 30, 40 m/sec. 4.3 Design of target holders for mild steel Target holder is an important device in the experiment which was used to place the target in different required positions. Hence designing of target holders was an important task for any erosive experiment. These target holders contain screws for tightening the specimen in correct position to avoid slips when the test was running. As discussed earlier in chapter 3 mild steel material was used as a target with 25mm square in size and approximately each target was 14.34grams mass. The target was held in a jig which protects the edges and back face of the test specimen. The jig with test specimen was fitted in to a target holder which would be capable of supporting the velocities of hitting particle jets, and can be tilted to different angles required for the test. Generally, there were three types of target holders used to find out the erosion rate of the target, but in the present project the horizontal target holders are used to hold the target specimen to find out the erosion rate. Here the suggested four different impact angle targets such as 20á ´ ¼, 30o, 45o and 90o were taken. For each angle two target holders are taken and the totals of 8 target holders were located on the target holding system for this experiment. The figure 4.1 shows the target in the target holder. As the experiment was conducted at four different impact angles which are 20o, 30, 45 and 90 which are shown in the figure 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 schematically. Figure 4.1: target holder    Summary In the chapter discussed the calibrations working procedure for find out the exit   angles and velocities by   related formulas and calculation   which is most important in finding the exact test conditions. Chapter 5: Experimental procedure Overview: The chapter discusses about the experimental procedures which were carried out during the project work. A flow chart is also presented in the chapter which shows the detailed working procedure. Typical photographs of the target surface eroded at different test condition were shown in this chapter. Procedure: Finally the main part of project work was carried out, calculation of erosive wear under specified conditions. From above section, with the help of graph and tabular column it was found that for given testing conditions of particle velocity 20 m/s, 30 m/s and 40 m/s the accelerator speeds are 1280 rpm, 1909 rpm and 2442 rpm, similarly the exit angles are 36.5, 36.9 and 39.9 degrees respectively. The first stage of experiment was carried out for 20 m/s particle velocity and later it is repeated for other particle velocities. But Different quantity of sand was taken when increasing speeds of accelerator disc. Steps involved in the experiment are followed: The apparatus was setup before the experiment. The targets were arranged on target holding system in horizontal position with the impact angle of 20 °, 30 °, 45 °, and 90 °. For more accurate values a total of eight targets were used two for each impact angle position. Target specimens were punched with numbers A1 to A8 for clear identification after the experiment. Before fixing the target materials on holding system they were cleaned with ultrasonic bath using isopropyl alcohol. A detailed description of Ultra sonic bath was given in section 3.3.6. Once the targets cleaned they were weighed using electronic weighing machine which has an accuracy of about 0.1mg. For more accuracy three readings were noted and an average of three was taken as the original weight of target specimen. In the next step the target was arranged at an exit angle of 36.50 and with a centrifugal accelerator disc speed fixed to 1280 rpm and at a particle speed of 20 m/s. The apparatus was all set for carrying out the experiment. Once the apparatus was set up the olivine sand was poured through the tabular feeder for experiment.   But at this instance the issue was how much sand per specific time the feeder should pour. The calibration of tabular feeder gives the rate of feeding for sand. After the calibration was completed the rate of feed should be set for this particular testing condition. This completes all the required set up and requirements for the experiment. After all setup was completed experimental process was started by pouring the sand at a rate of 66.6 g/min. The feeder continuously poured the sand which was approximately 2 Kg in to rotating disc centre for about 30 minutes and the accelerator disc dispatched the sand on to targets. Sand particles which were in line with target materials hit the target and eroded the material from the target. After finish the test, target materials were removed from the target holders. They were again cleaned with ultrasonic bath using isopropyl alcohol also dried and weighed using the electronic balance. The experiment was repeated six times for more accurate results and results were tabulated. Results obtained during the experimental procedure are discussed in the next chapter. A flow chart of experimental procedure is given below: Figure: flow chart describing the experimental procedure The above experimental procedure of the flow chart was used for the other impact condition. The figure 5.2 shows target specimen for 20 m/sec velocity after the test.   30 and 40 m/sec. Velocities figures was shown in the appendix 5.1 Figure5.2: Above figures shows the mild steel specimen after the impact of particles on it at 20o, 30o, 45o and 90o angles and impact velocity 20 m/sec.   Summary Chapter provided the detailed description of experiment procedure for erosive wear test using centrifugal accelerator tester. And also the working procedure flow chart.    Chapter 6 Experimental Results 5.1 overview: This chapter gives the results obtained during the experimental procedure. Detailed tabular columns of results, graphical representations are presented in the report. 5.2 Experimental results Table 4.2 gives the detailed weights of target material before and after the experiment. After measuring target material weights it was time to calculate the amount of eroded material. The amount of eroded material is calculated by deducting the weight of test specimen after the impact of olivine sand from the weight before impact. The specific erosion rate which is amount of material eroded per kilogram of sand was found using a software program designed to calculate the specific erosion rate. The tabular column 4.3 gives the detailed results of amount of eroded material for different angles and weights. Targets    Angle of Targets sand used No. Impact 2 kg 4kg 6kg 8kg 10kg 12kg   remove material (g/kg) specific E(g/kg) A1 20o 0.0003 0.0008 0.0012 0.0018 0.0023 0.0028 0.000233 0.0057 20 ° 0.0057 A2 20o 0.0004 0.0011 0.0016 0.0023 0.0027 0.0037 0.000308 0.0075 20 ° 0.0075 A3 30o 0.0005 0.0009 0.0014 0.0022 0.0027 0.0034 0.000283 0.0069 30 ° 0.0069 A4 30o 0.0004 0.0006 0.0012 0.0020 0.0026 0.0032 0.000267 0.0065 30 ° 0.0065 A5 45o 0.0002 0.0003 0.0011 0.0019 0.0022 0.0030 0.000250 0.0061 45 ° 0.0061 A6 45o 0.0004 0.0007 0.0009 0.0014 0.0018 0.0027 0.000225 0.0055 45 ° 0.0055 A7 90o 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0008 0.0009 0.0013 0.000108 0.0026 90 ° 0.0026 A8 90o 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0012 0.000100 0.0024 90 ° 0.0024 A graph was plotted between the amount of material eroded on Y- axis and amount of sand used on X axis which shows a gradual increase in the material eroded with the increase in amount of sand. Figure : This ends the experimental process which was carried out for the given testing conditions. After the experimental procedure the following values of erosion rate were obtained. Impact angle Specific erosion rate 20 0.0057 20 0.0075 30 0.0069 30 0.0065 45 0.0061 45 0.0055 90 0.0026 90 0.0024 The experiment was again repeated for other testing conditions, the amount of sand used will vary with respect to testing conditions. For   Impact velocity 30m/s Accelerator disc speed 1909 rpm Exit angle 36.90 The results were found as Impact Angle Material Removed Specific Erosion Rate 20 0.000922 0.0225 20 0.001011 0.0246 30 0.001089 0.0265 30 0.001122 0.0274 45 0.001022 0.0249 45 0.001022 0.0249 90 0.000500 0.0122 90 0.000533 0.0130 For Impact velocity of 40m/s Accelerometer speed of 2442 rpm Exit angle of 39.9 degrees the results were found as remove material (g/kg) Specific E (g/kg) 0.001900 0.0483 20 0.001867 0.0474 20 0.001983 0.0504 30 0.002133 0.0542 30 0.002017 0.0513 45 0.002067 0.0525 45 0.001133 0.0288 90 0.001133 0.0288 90 Chapter 7 Discussion of Results: 6.1 Overview: This chapter gives the detailed discussion of results obtained during the experimental process. Variation of erosive rate with respect to various characteristics is discussed in the chapter. From the experiments it was found that erosion rate of the material from test specimen is mainly dependent on two factors; Impact angle of the particle Velocity of the particle 6.2 Erosion rate with respect to Impact angles: A Graph was plotted between impact angles on X axis and Specific erosion rate on Y axis which was shown in figure 5.4.2. This graph has an increase in erosion rate from 20 degrees to 30 degrees of impact angle of target material. This increase was because decline in erosion rate along with increase in impact angle. It can be understood from the graph that as the impact angle of particle increases the erosion rate gradually decreases. This decline in erosion rate is because the number of sand particles hitting target decreases with increase in angle. Figure : 6.3 Erosion rate with respect to velocity of the particle: From the tabular columns 3.4 and 3.5 and 3.6 it can be noted that as the velocity of particle increases the rate of erosion increases. The reason behind this graph is high velocities particles erodes more material. 6.4 Conclusions CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS The project had four objectives to be delivered and which were successfully achieved. The main objective of the project was to investigate the rate of erosion for mild steel targets under specific testing conditions. After conducting series of experiments with olivine sand and mild steel targets, erosion rate for particle speed of 20 m/s, 30 m/s and 40 m/s was calculated. From all the results obtained graphs were plotted to understand the nature of rate of erosion of particles. The graph suggests that rate of erosion increases with increase of particle speed on the target material. Also other graphs plotted between the rates of erosion and impact angle of target suggested that rate of erosion decreases with increase of impact angle of target specimen. Hence the main objectives of the experiment were achieved. CHAPTER 8 Future work The project discusses conditions to avoid erosive wear for mild steel impacted by olivine sand. The vast nature of subject gives the opportunity to carry out the experiment by changing various properties of impact materials and target materials and testing conditions. Some of the experimental works which were not possible to carry out during the present work and would be possible in future are suggested. The next work can be carried out by applying electro static charge to the olivine sand using electrostatic ring sensor equipment. The aim of using electro static ring sensor equipment is to find out charge to mass ratio. Another work that can be suggestible is combination of powder with sand. This is because every powder has its own properties, but when they mix with other materials they lose original properties and adopt new properties. This can be helpful to find out the new test procedure to avoid erosive wear for materials that can be impacted by olivine sand and other material m ixture. The other important future work could be comparing of the present project result with the gas blaster erosion tester. From the result of this work, it can be observed that the accuracy of the tester would result in accurate results, so it is suggested that, to improve the accuracy of the centrifugal accelerator tester. REFERENCES   K. Shimoda, T. Yukawa, Erosion of pipe bend in pneumatic conveyor,in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Erosion byLiquid and Solid Impact, Cambridge, UK, September 5–8, 1983. Kilburn Engineering. Material Handling System. Available: http:/ Last accessed 10th February 2011. Mr Ben. Erosive wear. Available: (2009). Last accessed 4th Feb 2011. Terence F.J.Quinn. Physical analysis for tribology. Polished by syndicate of university Cambridge.Year(1991). P1-3.   M J Neale and M Gee. 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